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Saint-Benoît-de-Carmaux. Good season for Spartak Fontgrande

Spartak Fontgrande, the club representing the mining town of Fontgrande, is closing its season.

The association created by the sons and grandsons of miners from the Carmausin basin gives a very positive assessment of the past year. In terms of sporting celebrations, the leaders note the successful organizations: the Coupe du Mineur in December 2023 (winner: Cité Verrerie de Carmaux) and the Rino Della Negra trophy, played in Arles last June. “We are perpetuating these two events which are close to our hearts. The Miner’s Cup is a tribute to our elders, fathers and grandfathers, miner workers. The Rino Della Negra Trophy also pays tribute to the famous resistance fighter whose name it bears as well as “to all the resistance fighters FTP ME This is also popular sport”, explains Nicolas Mielko, president of the Spartacist club.

Culturally, the club has put online several articles tracing the history of Fontgrandin and Carmaux mining football. This season 32 players wore the charcoal black jersey decorated with a miner’s lamp. 19 matches were played (12 wins, 4 draws, 3 losses).

For the 2024-2025 season, no change in the club’s organization chart. Jean Costumero, memory-bearer and author of the book Fontgrande 1920-1975, is appointed honorary president of the club. Jonathan Orsi and Stéphane Najac, vice-presidents, Francine Boyer godmother of the association, Yamila Arzuaga responsible for the festive section, Dorian Andrade, Mickaël Allègre and Fabrice Devisi directors.


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