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They wanted to get married for the sole purpose of obtaining papers: a couple from Marseillan sentenced

She claims to have been married under duress by her partner who was in prison because he owed a favor to the man she was to marry. He claims that they married for love. The Béziers court has ruled.

Before the Béziers court, a man and a woman. They are being prosecuted for having entered into a marriage for the sole purpose of obtaining papers. The woman was sentenced to one year in prison with an electronic bracelet. The man, found to be an accomplice in this marriage, was given a one-year prison sentence which may be reduced. He was banned from staying in France for a period of five years. “You did not know each other, the president of the court explained to them. You knew nothing about the other. There was never the slightest affection in your relationship. Everything was put in place with the sole aim of get papers.”

The town hall of Pézenas had refused the marriage

The Pézenas town hall had initially expressed doubts about the veracity of this relationship. It had refused the marriage. Then it was in Marseillan that the couple went to get married. The future groom had been subject to an obligation to leave French territory since 2013. He had also been convicted of violence against the woman he was to marry. However, they managed to get married. It was the young woman’s partner, then in prison, who had arranged the affair from his cell and for the sum of €5,000.

Married under duress

“I had no choice but to do otherwise, the woman will tell. He told me to do it while I was pregnant with his child. All because they had done each other favors at the remand center. I obeyed because I was threatened.”

In court, the man does not say much. He works thanks to a residence permit obtained after the marriage and tells his wife that divorce proceedings are underway. And he continues: “I don’t know her partner. I married for love but over time I discovered things that I don’t like. She is a prostitute. We are married and we love each other, the proof, I had a sexual relationship with her.” And the defendant immediately retorted: “Still, if I had slept with him I would remember it.”

For the representative of the public prosecutor, there is no doubt that the court will enter into sentencing. “She incriminates herself by saying that she knew what was happening and half-admits to him that he wanted a residence permit.” He requested flexible detention for the two defendants plus a ban on staying in France for the man.


In defense of the bride, the lawyer explained: “They got married because the court ruled that they were not getting married in order to obtain papers. Then it reversed its decision after the marriage. All this dates back to 2017. She is the victim. She is the one who got married under duress. She was treated like an object. Sold by her partner who himself carried out the procedures for both parties. It was a forced marriage.”


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