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2024 Legislative Elections in Lisieux: Outgoing MP, Jérémie Patrier-Leitus, denounces attempted intrusion into his home

“Criminals scratched around ten cars parked in front of and near my home in Lisieux and attempted to break into my home while my family was there.” The Facebook post of the outgoing MP and candidate (Together) did not go unnoticed on the internet this Thursday, June 27, 2024.

Jérémie Patrier-Leitus denounces facts which add to a tense campaign in the 3rd constituency of Calvados. “After the damage to my campaign posters, I denounce these unacceptable attacks which targeted my family but also my neighbors.”

On Jérémie Patrier-Leitus’ publication, we can see the scratched bodies of three different cars as well as a photo of the door to his home.

A threatening climate

This Thursday evening, the candidate was live on France Bleu Normandie during a debate in partnership with the newspaper Le Pays d’Auge. He did not fail to recall this live and to make the link between these degradations, the attempted intrusion and the pressures he says he received during his campaign.

“These accusations are serious, they even led to thugs attacking cars in my neighborhood and trying to break into my home. This is where lies and slander lead.” The candidate refers to the accusations made against him regarding the withdrawal of Nathalie Porte’s deputythe former LR candidate who saw her file invalidated by the administrative court.

“I will not give in to intimidation or threats and am more determined than ever to defend my values ​​and my convictions.”he wrote at the end of his post on the social network.


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