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La France insoumise withdraws its nomination from a legislative candidate after anti-Semitic tweets

The electoral committee of La France Insoumise withdrew its nomination on Thursday, June 27, from Reda Belkadi, candidate in the 1st constituency of Loir-et-Cher, after several anti-Semitic tweets were brought to light. The candidate apologized.

Hitler was also pro-Israel“, “I called a Jewish friend a Yid“… This Wednesday, June 26, several Internet users, as well as the magazine Pointdug up several tweets from Reda Belkadi, dating from 2018 to 2020.

Tweets “of an anti-Semitic nature“, who have “violated the commitment charter signed by all the candidates invested […] through which everyone commits to rejecting all sexist, racist, anti-Semitic, LGBTIphobic remarks, behaviors and violence and all discrimination“, indicates La France Insoumise in a press release, this Thursday, June 27.

Because Reda Belkadi was nominated by LFI to be the candidate of the New Popular Front in the first constituency of Loir-et-Cher, that of Blois. In 2022, the outgoing MoDem deputy Marc Fesneau had already defeated Reda Belkadi in the second round, with 56.5% of the votes.

As a result of these tweets, which La France Insoumise said it had become aware of on Thursday, the movement’s electoral committee decided to withdraw “immediately his investiture to Mr. Belkadi“. And seized the committee for respect of principles, an internal body of LFI, for “obtain his immediate exclusion” movement.

In other tweets, Reda Belkadi says he is a fan of Alain Soral, a far-right essayist, and prides himself on having uttered a homophobic insult.

The candidate reacted to his tweets on Facebook, after deleting his X account (ex-Twitter).I am stunned to discover dozens of absolutely unacceptable tweets that I published several years ago.“, he writes. He recognizes “a cruel lack, at the time, of training and education“on several subjects,”in particular the fight against anti-Semitism“. He says he has since then, “evolved“, and defends his “unwavering commitment to structures fighting racism and anti-Semitism“.

He says he takes note, and “accept with humility“the withdrawal of his nomination by LFI.”In context, it is a fair decision.“.

I would like to apologize to anyone who may have been disappointed by my past comments.

Reda Belkadi, candidate for the legislative elections in the 1st constituency of Loir-et-Cher

On the socialist side, the news has a very bitter taste. “Here, locally, we find ourselves without a left-wing candidate, it’s a deep sadnessreacts Marc Gricourt, PS mayor of Blois. Thousands of voters will not be able to vote to the left“. A feeling of “mess” for the mayor, who had put himself forward as a candidate for deputy shortly after the announcement of the dissolution.

But the NFP authorities decided otherwise, awarding the constituency to La France insoumise rather than to the Socialist Party. And it is now too late to submit an application. “With humility, the hundreds of messages I received confirm to me that I had every chance in this constituency.“He pleads that”our national authorities trust the territories to nominate a candidate“.

Marc Gricourt is now calling to vote for Marc Fesneau, Minister of Agriculture and outgoing MP, candidate to succeed him within the Ensemble coalition. “I do not share his record or his project, but he is a democrat and a republican, he is the one who can block the extreme right.“, adds the mayor of Blois.

The MoDem candidate, for his part, reacted on his social networks.The left-wing parties have decided to withdraw their support and nomination from Reda Belkadi. I welcome this responsible decision which was necessary.“He adds having”confidence in the voters of our constituency who will know how to make the right choice for our democracy, for our future“.

Failing to withdraw his candidacy, Reda Belkadi remains a candidate, without the LFI/NFP investiture.


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