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The decisions of the Community Council of June 27, 2024

During this session, among the numerous deliberations presented to the 74 community representatives, the following files were studied:

Adoption of the 2023 administrative account

The administrative account allowing the budgetary achievements of Limoges Métropole to be presented, shows an increase in investment and a consolidated financial situation in 2023.

  • The financial trajectory remains in line with the forecasts made for the financial and fiscal pact voted on at the beginning of 2022 as well asto the projections made during the Territorial Project vote.

Limoges Métropole territorial food program l Action plan 2024-2028

The Territorial Food Project (PAT) is a collective strategy engaging the community alongside local stakeholders in favor of the agricultural and food transition. Renewed in June 2024, the Limoges Métropole PAT places the sustainability of the agricultural and agri-food sector and the consumption of products from the region accessible to all as key objectives.

The new objectives

  • 1 l Promote the establishment and takeover of agricultural and agri-food businesses in the region with support actions, the development of the Pouss&Bio test space and the identification of land.
  •  2 l Ensuring the sustainability of the agricultural and agri-food fabric through diversification and innovation.
  • 3 l EEncourage the consumption of quality products from the region and accessible to all.

Launch of a call for projects “Channels of excellence”

Limoges Métropole is launching a call for projects to support the recovery or creation of businesses in the region’s 6 priority sectors of excellence: health, water, food, digital and cybersecurity, ceramics and surface treatment, electronics and photonics. The aim is to bring out new activities in these areas of excellence in which the region has competitive advantages.

  • Limoges Métropole’s support will result in financial support, immersion within the local ecosystem, personalized support for the project and help with real estate and financial research.

Social clauses system – 2023 annual review & evolution of partnership agreements

In order to develop and support access to employment, Limoges Métropole has set up, with the support of the European Social Fund (ESF), a system for supporting and managing social clauses. The aim of a social clause is to use public procurement as a lever to help people who are far from the labour market return to employment.

The 2023 report allows the partnership agreement to be developed in order to adjust the system to increase its effectiveness and comply with new regulatory provisions. Social clauses have been developed within the framework of public procurement, today the dynamic is growing in the context of private purchasing, which is why Limoges Métropole wishes to develop the agreement in order to open up more to private buyers.

Social clause activity in 2023

270,000 hours of work completed
148 full-time equivalents
64% of these hours were carried out within the framework of Limoges Métropole operations

The year 2024 will also be marked by several major operations including social clauses:

  • The overall performance market of the future Energy Recovery Unit of Limoges Métropole,
  • The restructuring of the Beaublanc stadium in the city of Limoges,
  • The continuation of the modernization of the DUPUYTREN University Hospital,
  • The Omega Health operation at the University of Limoges.

Review the Community Council meeting


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