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SENEGAL-SANTE-REMBOURSEMENT / The Minister of Health receives a check for nearly 3 billion FCFA for the debt owed to the PNA – Senegalese Press Agency

Saly, June 27 (APS) – The Minister of Family and Solidarity, Maimouna Dièye presented, Thursday in Saly, a check for nearly three billion FCFA to her counterpart of Health and Social Action, Ibrahima Sy , in respect of the debt that the National Agency for Universal Health Coverage (SEN-CSU) owes to the National Supply Pharmacy (PNA), as part of the care of people on dialysis, noted the APS.

Minister Maïmaouna Dièye presented a check in the amount of 2,946,546,005 CFA francs to her colleague Ibrahima Sy to cover part of the sums owed to the PNA, during a meeting devoted to the conditions of access to dialysis, in within the framework of the Universal Health Coverage program.

This meeting demonstrated, said Maimouna Dièye, their “collective commitment to improving the social health protection system and more particularly, to effectively respond to the needs of patients suffering from renal failure”.

According to Professor Abdou Niang, head of the chair of nephrology at the Faculty of Medicine at Cheikh Anta Diop University, “850 thousand Senegalese have kidney disease, but the big problem is that the vast majority are unaware of their kidney situation. ”.

“What scares us today is that the number of patients on dialysis is around two thousand,” said Mr. Niang, who is also president of the Senegalese Society of Dialysis and Transplantation.

“Every year, there are more than a thousand Senegalese who reach the final stage of the disease and who need dialysis,” he said, regretting the fact that, “unfortunately,” they “cannot have access to dialysis for various reasons.”

Maimouna Dièye considered it “imperative to optimize costs and find solutions so that the significant resources invested by the State, in accordance with the orientation of the Government of Senegal, to provide a greater number of patients with dialysis sessions, in a sustainable and lasting manner”.

For this, Ms. Dièye believes that “it is necessary for the National Supply Pharmacy, the Universal Health Coverage Agency and dialysis providers, both public and private, to work in synergy, to guarantee efficiency, in order to to ensure a lasting improvement in access to dialysis care”.

The Minister of Health and Social Action Ibrahima Sy, reassured that his department is working with the highest authorities of the country and all stakeholders, to find sustainable solutions capable of relieving the sick.

According to the Minister of Health and Social Action, a set of proposals are being studied within his department.

The new government makes it an “absolute priority”, he reassured.



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