DayFR Euro

goodbye “Vedettes Tropicales”, here comes “Blue Lines”

As announced, a new delegate was selected this week by Martinique Transport to ensure maritime transport in the bay of Fort-de-France. It officially begins activity this Monday, July 1, for a period of 8 years.

At the head of the Public Service Delegation (DSP), the transport authority chose the only offer presented: that proposed by the group composed of the Mixed Economy Company City’Up and SAS Blue Heaven, specialized in technical solutions and naval support.

« Blue Lines », the new company will therefore set sail in a few days. Very quickly, the new brand will replace the visual of “Vedettes Tropicales”.

New experimental lines

But this will not be the only change: new lines will also see the light of day. On July 1, the company will take over the existing ones: Fort-de-France / Trois-Îlets / Case-Pilote.

Olivier Bellemare, president of Blue Heaven, Lise Moutamalle, general director of City’Up and Emmanuel Castel, shipping captain.

However, several dates have already been announced as part of the extension of the service. On January 2, 2025, “Blue Lines” will launch on Fort-de-France / Saint-Pierre, with a stopover at Carbet and, on April 1, 2025, it will also inaugurate the Fort-de-France / Anses d’Arlet service.

Two experimental lines planned for 15 months. “But, in these 15 months, we will have a validation period which will allow us to prepare for the future if we decide to continue operating these lines,” specifies Olivier Bellemare, vice-president of “Blue Lines” and president of Blue Heaven.

Staff recruitment

To support this increase in activity, the company plans to recruit and train new staff. From around thirty employees today, the company should increase to 50 to 60 employees, at the peak of its activity.

“Martinique is a land of sailors,” insists Lise Moutamalle, General Manager of City’Up. “We are going to work in particular with the Trinité maritime school. There are real training issues that we have identified with Martinique Transport.”

In order to meet regulatory requirements, the number of sailors on board ships will increase from two to three (a captain, a chief engineer and a deckhand).

Which, for the new leaders, should notably make it possible to strengthen security on board.

Renewed and reinforced fleet

After one boat audit and re-power phase For some, the fleet should gradually integrate hybrid boats. Three new boats, with a higher capacity, will be manufactured. “After validation of the experimental lines, we should have between 8 or 9 boats, with always two as backups and one in reserve,” specifies Olivier Bellemare.

Finally, the company announces a better quality of services (daily rates, better real-time information, online ticket purchases, etc.) as well as a “renewed and permanent local social dialogue with staff.”


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