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The halal label is gaining ground but everything remains to be done

The Morocco halal label currently benefits more than 200 companies for around 1,000 references of labeled products, mainly of Moroccan origin. The sectors concerned are food, cosmetics, food supplements, packaging and catering services. This is what the daily says Today Morocco in its Friday edition, repeating the words of Abderrahim Taibi, director of the Moroccan Institute for Standardization (IMANOR).

The manager spoke at the 6th edition of the Halal Morocco Forum (FOHAM 2024). For him, and in order to facilitate access to this label for Moroccan companies, IMANOR has established a protocol for the recognition of foreign halal certifiers, allowing them in particular to issue halal certificates accepted for foreign inputs to the products presented in the Halal Morocco Label.

This label, which is mainly focused on export, is seeking confirmation of recognition on foreign halal markets. To this end, IMANOR is constantly seeking to conclude recognition agreements with its counterparts in foreign halal markets.We have been able to make significant breakthroughs in this direction with very important formal recognitions for our operators such as that of Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and recently the recognition with Singapore that we are making official today.“, Taibi said.

That being said, the Halal Morocco Label must adapt to “a global halal market that is evolving in volume and requirements, and at the same time reveals more and more difficulties for Moroccan companies to access it and maintain their presence there», lit-on.

The priority is to establish a halal reference in Morocco, notably through a legal framework, taking into account the mechanisms for recognizing certifiers in the countries of origin to give more credibility to the rules of access to the market. Moroccan and benefit both consumers and Moroccan operators.


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