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“I pack this precious look” Emilia Mythia Kolesàrovà- Dewasne

Emilia Mythia Kolesàrovà known as Mythia Kolesar-Dewasne (1921-2015), filmmaker and visual artist, studied painting at the School of Fine Arts in Bratislava and Prague and then at the Beaux-Arts in Paris in 1945. The meeting with Jean Dewasne, painter, sculptor and lithographer was for her the essential, vital event of a fundamental era, lived with brilliance.

After a semi-figurative period she tried abstract art and it was in the atmosphere following May 1968 that she made the films Lucid Trance (1971), Transe humance (1973, on Nil Yalter), Transe parence Ideana (1973), Trance pierces survival (1974, sur Hessie), Modulated trance (1975), Transe uranienne (1973-76), Fusion trances (1976, on 30 women), 4 Elements (197-78), trans do. Their subjects question the creation of woman as a physical person, to signify the plastic event of the film.

Her films screened in different galleries in France, at the Centre Pompidou and abroad participate in the debates on the process of feminine creation. Her film sculpture which integrates pieces of film into a three-dimensional object, called I wrap up this precious look (1965) constitutes an original work, the first of its kind. The magic of the film machine is in its very nostalgic and umbilical manipulation. Attached to the cord before birth, the image appears, in silent clamor. (Mythia Kolesar-Dewasne)

She exhibited at the Young Painting/Young Expression Salon (1981), the Great and Young People of Today Salon, and the Comparisons Salon.

From the Sorbonne, new, high-energy ideas were flooding into the streets and settling on café terraces. In the café bistros of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, the Deus Margots, the Flore, we rubbed shoulders with Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. The same excitement at Montparnasse, the Dôme, the Sélect or the Coupole… Then this famous phrase was launched: “We are equal to men” and I added: “Yes, we are equal to men, but with our difference!” It had the effect of a bomb in the literary and artistic world…

I pack this precious look (1965) is an original work, the first of its kind. The magic of the film machine is in its very nostalgic and umbilical manipulation. Attached to the cord from before birth, the image appears, in silent clamor. (Mythia Kolesar-Dewasne)

Promoted to the rank of Officer of the Order of Arts and Letters in 2012, she spent the last years of her life at the Maison nationale des artistes.

From September 5 to December 29, 2024

National House of Artists – 14, rue Charles VII – Free entry.
Every day from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. – 01 48 71 28 08


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