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“They want to ignore us, we’re going to annoy them”: in Dieppe, anger is overflowing

Can barbecue do everything? In the popular Bruyères district of Dieppe (Seine-Maritime), we want it to be a meeting point, we hope it will be reconciling. Around its smoke, in which we can see the silhouettes of communist activists at the origin of the initiative, dozens of residents who have come down from their towers compose their slab-breaker.

Some stay there, trim the fat, greet the outgoing PCF deputy in the campaign, Sébastien Jumel, New Popular Front (NFP) candidate in this constituency, the 6e from Seine-Maritime. Others help themselves, move away and look down on their own neighbors. “It will end badly one day”promises David, 46, jaw clenched.

This former green space worker, inactive since a chainsaw accident that left him unsteady on his feet, is one of those who have taken their distance, just like Sabrina and Eddy. The first is 36 and is a home help. The second, 40, is a fisherman. All three are insuring “not getting out of it”even if they do ” all for “. In their paws, their respective children, who also do not mix.

Farmers and fishermen’s movements in memory

In question, a maelstrom of reasons, knots, resentments. Against the inhabitants of neighboring towers and their “golden faucets”they caricature the few representatives of the Neuville district, “always favored”or old acquaintances guilty of having been “hired” while their loved ones cannot.

Against the withdrawal prices applied to certain fish, those of gasoline and gas, or “the shit we import.” And against all those who represent the political world, near or far, without distinction of labels. “There were the yellow vests, the anger of the fishermen, the farmers, and nothing ever changes: we don’t take care of the French, always of others”regrets Sabrina, fiddling with the piercing above her lip.

Eddy interrupts him: “Macron wants us to wage war for Ukraine, but it is against him that we will end up waging it. » Everyone agrees. It will begin with a vote this Sunday in favor of the National Rally (RN). “To break his delirium, not because I believe in itspecifies David. They want to ignore us, we’re going to annoy them.”

In this constituency, which contains working-class neighborhoods, coastlines and rural villages, Jordan Bardella collected 44.9% of the votes on June 9, compared to 20.8% for the left bloc, with a higher participation than the national average: 46 .6%. “For seven years, Emmanuel Macron has been dividing, despising, insulting and multiplying abandonments”, notes Sébastien Jumel, elected in 2022 with 57.8% of the votes against the RN candidate, Patrice Martin. Inevitably, tempers swell. And the candidate must be able to answer it to be re-elected.

“For this government, the concern of the little ones is illegitimate”

On the forecourt of the town hall of Saint-Martin-en-Campagne, a former commune attached to that of Petit-Caux (9,600 inhabitants), which is preparing to host the largest industrial construction site in Europe, the future EPR 2, with 10,000 jobs on the horizon by 2030, Gérard Fécamp and Vincent Bertin are talking.

The two are respectively deputy mayors of Intraville and Tourville-la-Chapelle, 275 and 590 inhabitants, including “many farmers and fishermen”. “There is a very strong anger that sometimes overwhelms us”reports Gérard Fécamp. The fault lies with the difficulties linked to the ” Cost of life “he said, although the unemployment rate here is rather low (6.4%, compared to 7.3% at the national level), but not only that.

“Everyone remembers the protest movementsexplains Vincent Bertin. The agricultural crisis at the beginning of the year, but above all the fishermen’s movement here in March 2023for the protection of local artisanal fishing against massive imports, have left traces ». Which ones? “We definitely understood that when we do not go with the direction of the government, we are erased,” notes Loëtitia Bourcier, who sells fish from her small family trawler on the coast, the Sea Fairyand who was one of the voices of this revolt.

« We fought to save our jobs and our activity in the face of all the obstacles: foreign manufacturers who come to plunder our resources, unsuitable European regulations… But everything that the government found to tell us when we blocked the port of Haven, it was that we threatened the interests of industrialists, that we were irresponsible. For them, the concern of the little ones is illegitimate,” adds the one who says she will vote for the outgoing MP.

Sébastien Jumel is also recognized by local actors as a voice for anger in the Assembly. And identified as an elected official who “objects and proposes”. Faced with the risk of resignation, he calls for revolt. “With all the battles fought and all the challenges to be met, from opening up the territory to combating medical desertification or economic development, we need a representative capable of twisting the arm of decision-makers, a credible interlocutorhe says. Let Macron tell himself, here we want everything: starter, main course, dessert and cheese! With or without barbecue.

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