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Victoriaville celebrates the commitment of 43 volunteers

Published on June 27, 2024

During a recognition evening held on June 19 at Carré 150, the City of Victoriaville paid tribute to 43 people involved as volunteers in its various leisure, cultural, sports and community organizations.

“Volunteers are essential to the proper functioning of our organizations and the quality of the services offered. This evening is an opportunity to celebrate those individuals who dedicate their time and energy to making our community a more welcoming and prosperous place. The members of the municipal council join me in saluting their dedication and their valuable contribution to our city,” indicated the mayor of Victoriaville, Antoine Tardif.

“Each year, the Volunteer Tribute Evening is a special moment to recognize the exceptional commitment of volunteers within our organizations. I am always touched by their generosity and their determination to make a positive difference in our city. I am taking this opportunity to invite current volunteers to get involved in order to prepare for the next generation,” adds municipal councilor and member of the Leisure, Culture and Community Development committee, Marc Morin.

To mark the 20th edition of the Volunteer Tribute Evening, a new formula was introduced, including a cocktail, small bites and a comedy show for volunteers and their guests. Certificates of honor and merit were given to all participants.

There are 150 recognized organizations in the territory of the City of Victoriaville that work to provide services to the population.

View the original press release
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volunteersrecognitionvolunteeringAntoine TardifMarc Morinculturesportleisurecommunity organizationThank youCarré 150

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