DayFR Euro

GREAT LOOP – From Florence to Nice, with 3 stages on the Adour basin

On the menu, here: Friday July 12 (13th stage), Agent-Pau over 171 km; Saturday July 13, Pau-Saint-Lary-Soulan Pla d’Adet, over 152 km; Sunday July 14, Loudenvielle-Plateau de Beille over 198 km.

The riders will arrive from Lot-et-Garonne via Gers. They will pass through Cazaubon, Salles-d’Armagnac, Nogaro and Riscle, with just a small loop in the Landes at Escalans and Gabarret. The finish should be decided in a sprint despite the Blachon and Simacourbe hills in the finale.

The next day, the start will be given from Paudirection Saint Lary, via Lourdes with a festival of summits including the legendary Col du Tourmalet, the Hourquette d’Ancizan and the climb to Pla d’Adet. The finish line in Saint-Lary will be drawn exactly where Raymond Poulidor won the stage 50 years ago. A statue will pay tribute to him between Pla d’Adet and Col du Portet.

On the national holiday, the peloton will set off from the magical setting of Loudenvielle to head towards Ariège with 5 passes to climb: Peyresourde, Menté, Portet-d’Aspet, Agnès and the formidable Plateau de Beille.

The Grande Boucle will mobilize 500 escorts, but also 28,000 police officers, gendarmes and firefighters. As for the caravan, it is made up of 150 vehicles with an army of 570 people.

This event will be broadcast in 190 countries by 10 TV channels (for 1 billion hours of TV views) and will involve 2,000 journalists.

Information on the Tour de France website


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