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We know the first losers of the vote in the 6th and 8th constituencies of Var

Cancellation of the Varages olive festival

The olive festival in Varages is an institution. Despite its ups and downs, this event has regained its place for several years, at the top of the festive events expected by locals as well as visitors.

“There are a crazy crowd for the olive festival”recalls Guy Partage, the mayor.

Except that… This year, the demonstration was scheduled for July 7. The day of the second round of the legislative elections. “As soon as I learned of the date of the elections, I contacted the organizer to tell him that we could not lend the room which was to host the aioli in the event of bad weather.” Guillaume Giraud, president of the La Varageoise olive cooperative, organizer of the olive festival, continues: “We had to organize beauty, gastronomy and well-being workshops in this room.”

Very quickly, the decision falls: “We decided to cancel.” For Guy Partage, it is “a blow”.

“We were supposed to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the millhe regrets. For the whole village, the shops, the artisans, it’s a shame. There’s still the potters’ festival, on August 11. But we’ll never have as many people as for the olive festival.”

Guillaume Giraud continues: “We were expecting 200 people… But it’s an event that costs us dearly. We are not an association, we cannot ask for aid.” The opportunity, therefore, to review the organization for next year: “There are associations that have set up around the festival. They could participate in the organization, and thus obtain subsidies.”

Next year, but when? “We used to do it in March-April. Maybe we will resume these dates. But it’s still too early.” To be continued, therefore.


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