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Tribune Les Voix de Marseille: “We are a rallying point today and tomorrow, to fight against the RN and the far right”

There is great fear at the prospect of an RN victory in the next elections. However, nothing is over, after the phase of astonishment, life resumes with a vengeance and mobilizations multiply, emanating among others from civil society, education, social, health, culture, university…

Painter’s painting CAM

Multiple ramifications are created between those who come together to speak and make their refusal of a society gagged by the extreme right that tends to reduce, crush, standardize and censor individual voices heard. Words are exchanged, debates, but also emotions are born among people who feel less alone in finding themselves linked by a strong desire for resistance. Inventions flourish, images, posters, slogans saying no in all possible ways, each with their own strengths and tools. Ideas emerge, wills are expressed, projects see the light of day, all are driven by the urgency of the upcoming elections because there is a chance to play there, by countering the RN for a more desirable society.

Les Voix de Marseille, as a collective, draws its reason for being from this abundance of initiatives. It aims to be at the heart of the city, it brings together signatories from multiple fields, from health, art, culture, the associative world, and social issues in the broad sense. It is a reflection of the diversity of the city of Marseille, bringing together women and men who refuse to give in on the meaning of their daily action, which is based on welcoming difference and the novelty of encounters, people and ideas.

The Voices of Marseille collective was born a few weeks before the European elections, with the guiding idea of ​​blocking the RN at the polls because its program is synonymous with cessation, regression, confinement and negation of this desire to live together. The consequences for our intimate lives of leaving the power of the RN will be real given its positions on the family for example, against marriage for all or surrogacy and the application of national preference. The collective aims to mobilize different fields of civil society over time and to persist after the elections of June 30 and July 7, whatever the result. Because the RN risks winning each of the upcoming elections and this party undermines everyone’s freedom.

The collective’s actions will be repeated and diversified by expanding their ramifications beyond the city of Marseille, on French territory. Our goal is to generate content that allows us to denounce and oppose the ideas of the RN point by point by denouncing their imposture and dishonesty. On this point, rigor is required and the concepts will continue to be sharpened. We also want to create social ties by welcoming meetings, creations, crossbreeding, and inventions that oppose the standardization of ideas and their excessive simplification.

We are not a political party and are not supported by a political party. We are a rallying point today and tomorrow, to fight against the RN and the far right; also the wishes of each and everyone in their diversity are our wealth. Our commitment goes beyond parties and elections because it is about making heard what, beyond the convictions and opinions of each person, brings us together and unites us against the RN, against the model of society that it proposes. and the violence against the particularities that he wants to legitimize.

Right now, a few days before the first round of the legislative elections, there is an emergency. There is no other alternative than to convince everyone to vote to make themselves heard, and to vote against the RN candidate in the first and second rounds of the legislative elections.


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