In the Nord department, we modestly call it “remobilization”. For the environmentalist opposition, it is rather a form of “distrust of RSA recipients”. The idea is to seriously cut the benefits of beneficiaries caught at “fault”, by not showing up for a France Travail meeting, for example.
It was therefore the environmentalist group at the Nord departmental council which alerted, as early as last October, about the establishment of a new sanctions regime aimed at “remobilizing” RSA recipients by making them hover above their heads the threat of seeing their only income largely suspended. This new regime “results in the loss of 80% of the RSA amount from the first sanction for one month for a single person and 50% if the household is made up of more than one person”, specify the environmentalists.
A simple “law enforcement”
Basically, such sanctions now apply to beneficiaries who do not appear for a summons, even if it is the first time. Monday, in a session at the department, President Christian Poiret returned to the issue in response to questions from the opposition, justifying that this “remobilization sanction” was nothing other than “the application of the law”. And when environmentalists denounce a “distrust of beneficiaries”, the department affirms that the sums withheld as sanction are “reimbursed if the beneficiary remobilizes” or if he can justify his absence.
It must be said that for the department, the challenge of the RSA is significant with nearly 90,000 beneficiaries for an annual budget of 620 million euros. The opposition wonders about an “amplification of the policy of delisting” beneficiaries in the North, based on the 2024 budgetary guidelines report which “foresaw a continued decline in the number of beneficiaries at a rate of 0.25% per month.” Moreover, according to the Voice of the Norththe boss of the North wishes to obtain complete management of the RSA, in particular that it is no longer the CAF which is responsible for paying the allowance.
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