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Developments for cycle paths continue in the Vannes conurbation

Tuesday June 25, 2024, a footbridge spanning the expressway was installed on Route de Saint-Anne, shortly before Laroiseau. It will allow a better route to Plescop for pedestrians and cycles. The cycle route continues between Laroiseau and Kerluherne from now on.

Crossing the railway line requires a second footbridge which will be installed in 2025. The estimated amount of work to be carried out is €337,000

A cycle route between Plœren and Arradon

The city is continuing its cycling policy. “The municipalities of Plœren and Arradon will not be connected by departmental road 127, not wide enough and too busy with vehicles numbering 5,000 per day, with speeds exceeding 70 km/h”indicates Denis Bertholom, vice-president of Gulf of Morbihan – Vannes Agglomération in charge of transport.

Control of the land does not allow the creation of a dedicated route over 5 km, but over 3.5 km. A greenway, along the RD 127, separated from motorized traffic by an existing embankment will be put in place. A rural road will be reclassified as a greenway and, finally, the Lande-de-Lignol road will be shared by reducing speed through chicanes and reinforced signage.

A new walkway over a wet area will be required with a non-slip surface. The Brèche roundabout, at the entrance to the Arradon town, will be developed with priority given to cyclists and pedestrians. The work is planned for 2025 for a total cost estimated at more than one million euros.


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