DayFR Euro

IN BULK – EHZ in Amikuze, Musical offering in Bigorre, Luque in Mimizan, Maé in Anglet, dance in Pau, Garorock festival, Saint-Pée ​​festivals, TGB remains in the elite, eloquence in Pau.

Festivals of Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle. – They started with a bang this Thursday and will continue until Monday July 1st late at night. It is especially from this Friday that the program will move up a gear with the traditional zikiro at the fronton. Saturday will be marked by sporting activities: basketball in the morning, pelota in the afternoon at the fronton and football match at the stadium. The day will end with a Dupla concert followed by a ball. On Sunday, the holiday mass, hosted by the choir and the brass band, will launch the festivities. This will be followed by the Senpertars’ meal on the church square and the goose game at 6 p.m. in the main street. The evening will end with a ball hosted by Basapiztiak. On Monday, the parade of young people from the festival committee will liven up the day, and in the evening, the public will be able to dance the mutxiko with Zaltoka, before enjoying the last concert of If Renaud Was A Punk. Aupa Senpere!

Pau Public Speaking Competition. – 10 candidates are in the running for the final of this first edition, “Convince”, this June 28 at 8 p.m. at the Foirail. This intergenerational competition open to all according to three age categories: 12-14 year olds, 15-17 year olds, adults. Each candidate was invited to compose an original and personal text on the theme “Our reasons for hope” and then to perform it first on video and then twice on stage. The “Convince!” Eloquence Competition » complements the City’s cultural and educational policy in favor of oratory. The system also includes an Eloquence academy, master classes during the urban cultures festival, collaborations with the Prefecture of Pyrénées-Atlantiques, the Departmental Council of Pyrénées-Atlantiques, the Jeunes Talents festival, etc.

The TGB remains in the Women’s Basketball League. – The Tarbes club managed to convince the policeman of the French Federation and will therefore be able to play next season in the elite. It remains to be seen what the workforce will be, knowing that several executives have left, such as Carla Leite, Dominique Malonga and Marie-Paule Foppossi. To be continued.


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