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The Department wants to give a boost to Operation Grand Site de Vézelay

The departmental councilors of Yonne meet from 9 a.m. at the Pyramide site in Auxerre for a dense session, this Friday, June 28, 2024. Several deliberations are included on the agenda to advance the file of the Operation Large Site of Vézelay.

This was one of the priorities displayed during the vote on the initial budget in February. The Yonne departmental council wants to accelerate the Vézelay Grand Site Operation file this year. And this could start this Friday, June 28, 2024.

A desire for consultation

The elected officials have an appointment in Auxerre at 9 am for a plenary session where the subject will be put back on the table. It has been slipping for fourteen years already. In 2010, Nicolas Sarkozy, then President of the Republic, had submitted the idea to local elected officials during a trip to the Eternal Hill.

The Department took charge of the file in 2017 and carried out a number of actions to try to obtain the “Grand Site de France” label. It would concern the Basilica and the hill of Vézelay, both listed as UNESCO world heritage sites, and would be extended to eighteen municipalities in Vézelay.

premium Fourteen years later, finally a turning point in obtaining the “Grand Site de France” label in Vézelay?

In recent months, preparatory meetings have multiplied. With, around the table, representatives of the State, the Department, the Avallon-Vézelay-Morvan community of communes (CCAVM) and the eighteen villages. The time has now come for formalization. This Friday, June 28, 2024, elected officials will have to validate the adoption of the territorial project, the request for labeling, the creation of a joint union and a request for a subsidy from the Ministry of Ecological Transition, responsible for granting the label.

On today’s agenda

Budget. Mandatory passage before June 30, the Department must approve the 2023 administrative accounts, which validate the execution of the previous budget. A first decision to modify the 2024 budget will follow.

Hôtel. The community wants to make “89”, a building located at the northern entrance to Auxerre, a “Hôtel du Département”. This will involve investments to create a new assembly hall and a seminar and reception space.

Childhood. Under consideration since the start of the mandate, the project for a new departmental children’s home must be ratified this morning. The building will cost 10.2 million euros and must be built by 2026, avenue du 4e RI in Auxerre.

By 2024, new actions will be implemented for child protection in Yonne

Health. The community should provide new aid for the installation of health professionals and create a branch of the mobile health center in Montholon.


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