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VIDEO. “I am here because the time is serious”: unemployment insurance and legislative, unions demonstrated in Auch

the essential
This Thursday morning, around a hundred people gathered at the call of the Departmental Union of the CGT of Gers to demonstrate against the reform of unemployment insurance and show their support for the New Popular Front.

“Sunday, make no mistake! There is a great danger for democracy!” chants Eric Cantarutti, general secretary of the Departmental Union of the CGT of Gers, when the procession passes through the Auch market. In the final sprint, the main Gers unions seized the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.

Eric Cantarutti harangues his troops before the departure of the demonstration.

Initially, it was opposition to the reform of unemployment insurance which brought together several Gers unions including the CGT, the FSU, the UNSA and the Union Syndicale Solidaires: “It is time to give up on the most useless, most unjust and most violent reform ever seen”, says Nathalie Casalé, the representative of Force Ouvrière Gers, a few minutes before departure.

The demonstration crossed the market this Thursday morning in Auch.

If the demonstrators strongly reject the reform, they also have their heads turned to Sunday: “I am here today because the situation is serious. The extreme right is at the gates of power. This is all the policy pursued until now. now which means that I am in the street”, proclaims Sylvie Larroucau, retired and member of the CGT.

A hundred people

Departing mid-morning from Boulevard Carnot, the procession was met with curious glances from Auscitains as it crossed the market. Some support the demonstration from afar as evidenced by the friendly exchanges glimpsed between the demonstrators and the nursing staff of the CHS or that of the CIAS.

If some cannot attend the march: “I work, I can’t be there but my heart is in it”, says Géraldine as she passes by the procession. Others seem annoyed: “Don’t these people work?”, fumes a woman visibly bothered by the detour of the demonstration in the middle of the market.

The mobilization ended in front of the France Travail premises. Despite tight timing, it brought together around a hundred people in the streets of Auscita.


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