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SENEGAL-IRAN-POLITICS / Iranian presidential election: between 30 and 40 voters expected at the polls in Dakar, Friday (ambassador) – Senegalese press agency

Dakar, June 27 (APS) – Between thirty and forty Iranians residing in Senegal will vote on Friday in Dakar on the occasion of the presidential election of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Iranian ambassador to the Republic announced to APS. Senegal, Hassan Asgari.

”The presidential election will take place in the Islamic Republic of Iran and abroad including Senegal where between 30 and 40 Iranian residents are expected between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. in the embassy premises,” said the diplomat during an interview with the APS.

Iranians go to the polls on Friday to elect a new President of the Republic, forty days after the death of President Ibrahim Raissi in a helicopter accident.

Four among the six candidates validated by the Council of Guardians of the Constitution are in the running for this election. These include Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, former mayor of Tehran, the capital, Saïd Jalili, presented as a conservative, Massoud Pezsehkian described as a reformer and Mostafa Pourmohammadi, a cleric.

The candidates, Alireza Zakani and Amirhossein Ghazizadeh-Hashemi, are upset.

“The accidental death of our president meant that according to the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran, a new election had to be held within 50 days to elect a new president,” Hassan Asgari stressed.

He insisted on the fact that the Iranian authorities succeeded in organizing the presidential election, forty days after the death of President Ibrahim Raissi.

“In just 40 days, we were able to organize an electoral campaign and a presidential election. This is why arrangements will be made to allow our compatriots in the sub-region to be able to vote in accordance with the established slot. Electronic and postal votes are not authorized,” he clarified.

The Iranian diplomat did not fail to welcome the inclusive nature of the presidential election in which the different political and ideological sensitivities of the country are represented.

“We have an institution in Iran called the Council of Guardians of the Constitution, similar to the Constitutional Council of Senegal. It is the members of this body who control the regularity of the candidacies and validate the final list of those who will run for the presidential seat,” explained Mr. Asgari.



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