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From Sarcelles to Paris, a very widespread Bardella vote in the Jewish community – Libération


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“Libération” went to meet Jewish voters who, facing LFI, are now voting in favor of the National Rally in the next legislative elections.

In the middle of the afternoon this Monday, June 24, the group of twenty-somethings met at Sergio, a small kosher restaurant in Sarcelles (Val-d’Oise). The table is lively. Between boulevard Albert-Camus and the top of avenue Paul-Valéry, this square of buildings, grocery stores and kosher restaurants has, for a long time, had the nickname “little Jerusalem”, home to Jews after the decolonizations of Tunisia and Algeria. A month ago, the young people at the table were all together in Israel for the wedding of one of Chloé’s cousins. Two or three boys wear the kippah. The girls don’t display anything religious.

Mélissandre recently bought herself a pendant that draws the map of Israel. Hanging on a chain, she wears this jewel around her neck. “But I hide it when I take transport,” she says. This fear of the outside, of others, became deeply and irremediably embedded after the terrorist attack of October 7 in Israel and the wave of anti-Semitic acts that followed in France. Standing up, his voice loud, Frédéric, a little older than the others, is blunt: “There are a few days left to leave France. […]


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