DayFR Euro

Two lanes closed on the inner ring near Zaventem: what is the state of the roads this Thursday morning?

Quite a few slowdown zones around and towards the Capital

There are still quite a few slowdown areas around and towards the Capital this morning

25 minutes coming from Waterloo towards Carrefour Léonard

20 minutes between Wezembeek-Oppem and Léonard verses Waterloo

20 minutes between Expo and Machelen from Zaventem

15 minutes from the end of the E40 Liège-Brussels, d

10 minutes from the end of the E40 Ostend-Brussels between Affligem and Berchem-Sainte-Agathe and the E411 Namur-Brussels between Hoeilaart and Léonard.

In the Liège region, there are reports of 20 minutes of queues on the E313 Antwerp-Liège between the Aire de Slins and Liers. An accident would have occurred there near Liers towards Liège.


Two traffic lanes closed on the inner ring near Zaventem

Two of the three lanes of the Brussels inner ring road near Woluwe-Saint-Etienne (Zaventem) have been closed since Thursday shortly before 7 a.m. due to deterioration of the roadway. This is what the Flemish Roads and Traffic Agency says, specifying that it will send a repair team to the site as soon as possible. The damage occurred just before the Woluwe-Saint-Etienne interchange.

The roadway heaved under the effect of the heat. As the incident occurred just before the junction of the ring road and the E40, traffic from Brussels and Liège is not affected. Motorists can still join the E40 towards Brussels from the inner ring road. However, queues on the inner ring road, before the Woluwe-Saint-Etienne interchange, will increase during the morning rush hour.


The accident at Carrefour Léonard has just been cleared

The accident at Carrefour Léonard in the direction of Waterloo has just been cleared. The queues must therefore still be reduced. There are still 30 minutes to wait from Wezembeek-Oppem.

In the other direction, always 20 minutes to add 20 minutes between Waterloo Center and Tervuren towards Zaventem.

20 minutes also on the inner ring between Exo and Machelen towards Zaventem.

A vehicle has broken down in the left lane on the E411 near Overijse towards Brussels. Vehicle broken down in the lines towards Léonard (+10 min)

On this E411, you also add 15 minutes between Champion and the Aire d’Aische-en-Refail.

Note also that from Monday, new traffic changes will take place in the work zone with the concreting of the middle and left lanes between Dhuy and Aische-en-Refail towards Brussels.

Finally, a truck tire tread obstructs the right-hand emergency lane on the E42 Liège-Mons near Couthuin in the direction of Namur.


45 minutes to add between Wezembeek-Oppem and Léonard

The accident at Carrefour Léonard towards Waterloo is still ongoing with 45 minutes to add between Wezembeek-Oppem and Léonard towards Waterloo.

In the other direction, you slow down for 20 minutes between Waterloo Center and Carrefour Léonard towards Zaventem.

Still to reach the Capital:

15 minutes to add

–> on the E40 coming from Liège from Heverlee,

–> on the E411 Namur-Brussels from Hoeilaart and in the work zone starting at Daussoulx

–> on the E429 Tournai-Brussels between Tubize and the Brussels ring road in Halle

–> on the E19 Antwerp-Brussels from Zemst.

An accident occurred on the E19 Valenciennes-Mons-Bruxelles near Havré. The left lane is blocked in the direction of Brussels.


The accident at Carrefour Léonard increases the duration of slowdowns

The accident at Carrefour Léonard in the direction of Waterloo blocking one of the two remaining lanes therefore increases the duration of slowdowns from Wezembeek-Oppem where you now lose 30 minutes.

Queues also coming from Namur via the E411 with 10 minutes to add from Hoeilaart and 10 minutes already in the work zone between Daussoulx and Aische-en-Refail.

10 minutes to slow down on the outer ring road between Groenendaal and Tervuren towards Zaventem and also on the E40 Liège-Brussels from Everberg to Woluwé-Saint-Etienne.


Accident reported near Carrefour Léonard

15 minutes on the inner ring of Expo in Machelen towards Zaventem and also from Wezembeek-Oppem to Tervuren towards Waterloo

An accident has just been reported near Carrefour Léonard. There is therefore only one free lane at Carrefour Léonard towards Waterloo

A lifting of the roadway at Woluwé-Saint-Etienne is also reported on this inner ring. It is the left and middle bands which are affected towards Waterloo.

10 minutes also between Tubize and Halle towards the Brussels ring road.

We also remind you that in Brussels this Thursday and Friday is the European summit day with therefore a security perimeter around the Rond Point Schuman and the closure of the Reyers Tunnel towards the Center.


Long lines on the E40

Already long lines (still unexplained) on the E40 Aachen – Liège between the Hautregard area and the Tignée area. You should already allow an additional 15 minutes towards Liège.

In Brussels, you slow down for 2 x 10 minutes on the inner ring road between Expo and Machelen towards Zaventem then between Wezembeek-Oppem and Tervuren towards Waterloo.


No incidents to report

No incidents and only a few brake calls on the Brussels inner ring road between Vilvoorde and Machelen towards Zaventem.

Brussels where a European summit is being held this Thursday and Friday with the accompanying traffic changes. A security perimeter is set up around Rond Point Schuman and closure of the Reyers Tunnel towards the center.

We also recall these two road uprisings:

The first on the Nationale 63 near Somme-Leuze towards Marche-en-Famenne.

The second on the Nationale 7 near Bierghes obstructing both directions of traffic.


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