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Legislative elections 2024. 6th constituency of Haute-Garonne: the left wants to push the MP towards the exit


Guillaume Laurens

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 10:45 a.m.

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Who will succeed in dislodging Monique Iborra of the National Assembly? HAS 79 ansthis figure of Macronie, oldest of the deputies of Haute-Garonne, left to campaign in the 6th constituencywhich covers the communes to the west of Toulouse and the sectors of Colomiers, Tournefeuille, Léguevin, and even Plaisance-du-Touch.

A deputy re-elected for three votes in 2022

Saved from the waters in the second round in 2022, Monique Iborra was re-elected for a 4th term, thanks to a lead of… three little voices (50.00%) on the Nupes candidate, Fabien Jouvé. The small gap (27,569 votes for the outgoing party, against 27,566 votes for her rival), had also led the deputy (PS) to the mayor of Colomiers to bring appealwhich ended in a dismissal of the case, due to the sudden death of the applicant.

“No right to desert when it’s complicated”

Definitely tireless (and unstoppable?), Monique Iborra, always stamped Renaissance and presidential majoritytherefore leaves for a walk, because, she says, “we don’t have no right to desert when a situation is this complicated.”

Who is Monique Iborra, the ex-socialist turned Macronist?

First vice-president of Martin Malvy at the Midi-Pyrénées regional council from 2004 to 2010, Monique Iborra had been elected to the 6th constituency in 2007 against Françoise de Veyrinas (UMP) with 55.10% of the votes, before being reappointed by voters in 2012, 2017 and 2022… Twice under the PS label, before joining En Marche in 2017, after its exclusion (for having supported Philippe Saurel in the Regionals in the new region, and not the party’s candidate, Carole Delga, Editor’s note).

Formerly midwife, MP Iborra has an appetite for the themes of employment, professional training, health and dependency. In the National Assembly, she was until now part of the Social Affairs Committee.

Arnaud Simion, the social action manager of Colomiers and the Department

Faced with it, the New Popular Front invested a elected socialist weight : Arnaud Simion. Aged 56, this administrative executive is the first deputy of Karine Traval-Michelet, the mayor of Colomiers, but he is also and above all vice-president of the Departmental Council in charge of social actionthe main mission of the community.

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Can the RN advance to the second round?

In this announced duel, it will also be necessary to monitor the score of the National gathering, came out on top in the European elections (read below), who is on paper able to qualify for the second round… To do this, the RN has invested Nadine Demange-Fierlej. Still to this day deputy mayor of Fontenilles in charge of the environment (the mayor was quick to dismiss her from her duties following her candidacy, Editor’s note), the latter then explained her choice to join Marine Le Pen’s party: “the consequence of a long personal journey”, she says.

Arnaud Simion, Monique Iborra and Nadine Demange-Fierlej, candidates of the New Popular Front, the majority and the RN in the 2024 Legislative Elections (©DR / G.L. / D.S.S. / - Toulouse)

A Reconquest candidate, an environmentalist and Workers’ Struggle

As for the other three candidates, Reconquête has invested Annaël Gérarda communications officer, whose votes could be lacking for the National Rally candidate in the perspective of a second round.

Candidate for various environmental movements, Sandra Laporte, who managed to grab 4.36% of the votes in 2022, is running again. As Michele Puel for Workers’ Struggle (0.69%).

Like almost everywhere in the department, the Republicans, who are torn between supporters of the alliance with the RN and supporters of independence, will be absent.

All candidates for the 6th constituency (Colomiers, Tournefeuille, Léguevin…):

  • Annaël Gérard (Reconquest): communications manager. Substitute: Patricia Laborde
  • Michele Puel (LO): aeronautical technician. Alternate: Nelly Malaty, electronic operator.
  • Sandra Laporte (Ecologist). Substitute: Catherine Vendetti
  • Arnaud Simion (PS, New Popular Front): 1st deputy mayor of Colomiers and vice-president of the Departmental Council. Substitute: Clémentine Renaud
  • Nadine Demange-Fierlej (RN): future former deputy mayor of Fontenilles (the latter announced his resignation following this candidacy). Alternate: Nathan Gazzoli
  • Monique Iborra (Renaissance, presidential majority): outgoing deputy since 2007. Substitute: Élisabeth Tourneix-Pallme, elected in Tournefeuille.

The breakthrough of the RN among Europeans

In the first round of the 2022 legislative elections, Monique Iborra (30.27%) was ahead of the socialist Fabien Jouvé (29.39%) by a short head. Lydia Aiello and the RN garnered 16.80%, Christelle Helman and the PRG 4.43%, Christophe Alvès and Les Républicains 4.36%. Also note the scores of Sandra Laporte 4.36% and Dominique Piussan (Reconquête): 3.42%.

At the European elections of June 9, the RN made a spectacular breakthrough (26.39%) in this constituency of the western gates of Toulouse, notably in Colomiers, the second city of the department, a left-wing stronghold where he came in first. A score all the more astonishing as participation proved to be significant here for these elections, crossing the threshold of 60% (nine points more than at the national level). Receiving 15.55% of those registered, the RN would therefore be able to maintain itself in the second round (12.5% ​​is needed) if it repeated its score.

The Socialists and Raphaël Glucksmann were on second place (19.68%), ahead of Valérie Hayer and Renaissance (15.24%), then Manon Aubry and La France Insoumise (8.89%). The very modest score of the majority will not be an asset for the MP, who clearly appears to be in the hot seat.

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