DayFR Euro

Which are the “richest” municipalities in the Loire?

At the beginning of June, the Observatory of Inequalities released its Report on the rich in France. What about in the Loire?

Roanne, Saint-Étienne, Saint-Galmier… Where do the richest people in the department live? The Observatory of Inequalities association has released a report on wealth in France.

To establish this file, it relied on the methods of calculating the poverty threshold to propose a wealth threshold. An estimate from the Observatory emerges: to be rich is to live with at least double the median standard of living.

Roanne very far in the ranking

From this choice, the Observatory produces estimates of the standard of living of the richest 10% by municipality in each department. So in which cities is the standard of living the highest?

  • 1 – L’Étrat-la-Tour: €4,870
  • 2 – La Fouillouse: €4,394
  • 3 – Saint-Galmier: €3,878
  • 4 – Saint-Priest-en-Jarez: €3,874
  • 5 – Saint-Just-Saint-Rambert: €3,800
  • 6 – Saint-Héand: €3,641
  • 7 – Saint-Genest-Lerpt: €3,526
  • 8 – Saint-Martin-la-Plaine: €3,507
  • 9 – Rowan berries: €3,497
  • 10 – Saint-Genest-Malifaux: €3,485
  • 11 – Villerest : 3.363 €
  • 13 – Renaison : 3.316 €
  • 22 – Riorges : 3.188 €
  • 23 – Commelle-Vernay : 3.176 €
  • 29 – Montbrison: €3,071
  • 31 – Pouilly-les-Nonains: €3,025
  • 39 – Balbigny : 2.875 €
  • 45 – Charlieu: €2,831
  • 52 – Roanne : 2.677 €

Source: Insee, Filosofi data, 2021


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