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Saumur. Lycée Duplessis Mornay: €6,200 for the ASPIRE association thanks to high school students

This year, 17 students were elected by all the high school students at Duplessis-Mornay high school to be part of the CVL. They committed to various projects that they chose to lead. The students of the High School Life Council continued the project of greening the outdoor spaces of the high school. Plants were planted, chosen by the students, but they did not limit themselves to that. Thus, a portable mini-forest will see the light of day very soon, as part of a partnership with the Edgar Pisani agricultural high school in Montreuil-Bellay, financially supported by the Pays de la Loire Region. The elected students wanted to start working on an ambitious project around education in emotional and sexual life. Noting “a real lack of knowledge” In this area, they had the idea of ​​creating a tool for students. “We don’t learn much about the subject in college, some are lucky enough to have a few talks on it, others not. In second grade we have a few more education sessions on emotional and sexual life, but it remains rare” testifies Paul Sorain, in final year and member of the CVL of Duplessis Mornay. This year, elected officials initiated partnership work with the CCAS of Saumur, which can continue next year. The idea is to promote an innovative educational tool, validated by professionals, which can be part of the future Emotional and Sexual Life Education program. Not only the CVL, but also the students involved in causes had the chance to visit the National Assembly on January 25, 2024. Their meeting with Laëtitia Saint Paul allowed them to discuss very specific subjects with her, such as the geopolitical situation in Europe and in the world, engagement in civil society. CVL elected officials were also able to participate in a UNESCO master class on April 3, 2024 against racism and discrimination, organized as part of the 30th anniversary of democracy in South Africa. Next year, they will go to Paris at the end of November to participate in a new master class on the occasion of World Violence Against Women Awareness Day. As Paul explains : “All the commitments we make, everything we do is rewarded on Parcoursup.”

A race which raised more than €6,000

The latest project is that of the Solidarity Race. The latter took place on May 24. Paul describes it as “an investment by the entire school”. Each CVL student participating in the project had pre-chosen a theme that was close to their heart. They had to find associations, all local in their choices, and try to convince all the CVL students so that they would vote for their association. The ASPIRE association ultimately won, because it combined several different themes that were close to the hearts of CVL elected officials. The students therefore organized the race, with the help of the Principal, Pascal Debonnaire, PE and School Life teachers. There were just over 200 runners who were sponsored. “It was a great cooperation between the CVL students, but also between all the high school students” shares Paul Sorain. “The donations collected at the end of the race are twofold: bags of clothes collected at the high school for ASPIRE and a check for €6,200, a significant increase compared to previous years (2022: €4,500, 2023: €5,580). €) », explains Sophie Texier, Principal Education Advisor and High School Life referent at the high school. She adds : “The money thus collected will allow ASPIRE to offer more solidarity organic vegetable baskets, so that more families, students and people in precarious situations can benefit from them. This choice of ASPIRE was made by the students to combine a concern for social justice and the environment.” The check was presented yesterday, June 26, in the presence of certain CVL students and Claude Noyelle, director of the ASPIRE association. They were all received by the high school Principal, who is also ex officio President of the CVL.


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