DayFR Euro

“My days are planned down to the minute,” admits Freddy Prigent, ultra-trail runner and father.

Ultra Marine (18th edition). From Friday to Sunday, in Vannes

What are you looking for in this fairly extreme practice of ultra-trail?

The challenge, surpassing oneself! See how far I am capable of going… And then, I like being alone to train. Fortunately, because for these long distances, you have to spend hours training. For example, I don’t mind going out running alone for five or six hours, at a pace where you’re comfortable, even if at the end your legs may hurt. It’s not like a 10 km race, where you’re going through tough times, especially in terms of breathing.

What investment does it require to reach your level of performance?

Lots of practice! As far as I’m concerned, it’s between ten and 3 p.m. per week, not counting a bike ride and frequently muscle strengthening in the evening. It requires a healthy lifestyle and, above all, a lot of organization between my family and professional life and training.

Freddy Prigent trains between ten and 15 hours a week. (Photo Nicolas Creach)

How do you organize your daily life?

To fit all this into 24 hours, my days are scheduled almost to the minute! I go running in the morning between 5:45 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. for around twenty kilometers in general. So, in the evening, when I come home from work, I am there for my children and my wife. Sometimes I do a second session – cycling around the house or muscle strengthening – but I wait until my children are in bed. I found this balance. Luckily, I don’t need much sleep!

And the weekend ?

I do a long ride (four, five hours) on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. I work in a bank. Monday is therefore a day off when my three children are at school. I often take advantage of it to do my bike ride.

I also benefit from a trainer in the Morlais region, James Doner, in whom I have complete confidence. It relieves me of all the mental load and a lot of organizational work.

For races, I try to select them based on places or times where I can take the whole family. That seems important to me. For example, the Grand Raid des Pyrénées also allowed us to spend a week of vacation together. I am lucky that my wife and my children follow me in these projects.

During the week, it doesn’t really influence our life together. It’s more the weekend. But when I see the smile and pride of my children when I became French 24 hour champion, I tell myself that it is worth it

How does this impact your family life?

I would like to spend more time with family, that’s for sure, but during the week, it doesn’t really influence our life together. It’s more the weekend. And when I see the smile and pride of my children when I became French 24-hour champion a year ago, I tell myself that it’s worth it! They are 4, 9 and 12 years old. The older ones understand that it requires a lot of effort. They say that sport is the school of life. It is also an example for them. It’s part of our family life for all five of us since my wife also gets involved a lot: looking after the children when I’m not there, accompanying me on shopping trips, etc. For example, for L’Ultra Marin, my wife and one of her friends will supply me on the course. This is extremely important moral and logistical support. Without his support, it wouldn’t work for long. She knows it’s important to me. I need that to feel good about myself, in my life.

There is training, but also nutrition…

Good nutrition and rest help prevent injuries! I pay attention to what I eat, especially during preparation: I avoid pastries, cold meats, etc. I don’t drink sodas. Now it has all become natural. Ultimately, when I treat myself for a few days, I no longer feel as good about myself. Heavier ! I pay less attention on weekends. And if I eat pizza, I know I will quickly eliminate it.

Freddy Prigent trains in the Morlaix basin. (Photo Nicolas Créach)

This practice therefore costs, but what does it bring you?

From a financial point of view, nothing! It costs more than it brings in. Until last year, I had a hardware partnership with a store, but it closed. I have a little help from a sponsor for nutrition. Fortunately they are there! At the end of the races, we win packed baskets, vouchers… In the end, it mainly brings pride and recognition. I live in a small village (Garlan, near Morlaix) and when I go to the 24-hour endurance world championships like last year (33rd for my first participation), everyone was behind me. I knew it, it’s nice, it motivates. On the trails, we think of them!

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