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Legislative. For Alain Le Fol, candidate for Saint-Brieuc, the working class must be able to express themselves

It’s because the world of work has the right to its expression that, since 1981, Alain Le Fol has presented himself in all elections . And with, more or less, the same ideas. Namely those of a company which must be supported by the world of work .

At 67, the retired activist from Chaffoteaux is running for the legislative elections under the label of the Lutte Ouvrière party. The working class, according to him, still exists, it is even dominant in society .

In this category, it generally places all those who work without exploiting anyone . In opposition with the ruling class, which is setting the earth ablaze .

Favorable to a social struggle

It is therefore to give back a place to those who create the wealth of society , let Alain Le Fol introduce himself. His project is resolutely anti-capitalist, because, by definition, capitalism cannot be human since its sole objective is to make money . But this system is so anchored that it has no illusions. “Believing that change will come through the ballot is a utopia,” he says, hoping instead for a revolt of the population.

However, today, he notes that the working class lack of confidence in her. He hopes that she realize your strength and recalls that “all social changes have been obtained through social struggles”.

For these early legislative elections, he found the same pair as in 2022 with Yann Moreau. The latter, aged 61, is recently retired from Stalaven.


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