DayFR Euro

Work interrupts Nightjet Paris – Berlin and Vienna from August to October

The relaunch of a Nightjet night train by the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) between Paris and Berlin last December did not take place under optimal conditions. Already, the tri-weekly rhythm of this relationship had been imposed by a temporary shortage of rolling stock, while the infrastructure work on its route suggested traffic interruptions over more or less long periods. This is how, to use the expression of the ÖBB, a « pause » of two and a half months should be marked from August 12 to October 25. And this, not only for the new section between Paris and Berlin, but also for the other associated cars during the journey, linking Vienna to Paris or Berlin to Brussels.

“Despite the intensive efforts of the railways involved”it was necessary to suspend three nocturnal relations “due to major infrastructure works in Germany and France”indicate the ÖBB, which describes “regrettable” the effects of these projects. “In order to avoid unexpected train cancellations, delays and inconvenience to our customers, we unfortunately have to temporarily suspend the operation of certain Nightjet routes”announce the ÖBB, specifying that“No tickets have yet been sold for the affected trains”.

However, “the Vienna – Brussels connection runs as planned, three times a week”, add the ÖBB, who recommend taking this Nightjet for connections between Vienna and Paris, before taking a Eurostar connection. The ÖBB does not indicate that a similar solution also exists between Berlin and Paris, by taking the European Sleeper night train, which still offers tickets for sale between Brussels or Amsterdam and Berlin (or Prague)

From October 28, all relationships “will be offered again as planned”reassure the ÖBB, which operates the Nightjet between Germany and France or Belgium in cooperation with DB, SNCF Voyageurs and SNCB.

P. L.


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