DayFR Euro

Orange unveils a new list for the end of copper with 7.8 million premises affected

Orange published in mid-June a new batch of municipalities for the copper closure, in total 6,884 municipalities will be affected but also 11 districts of Lyon, Marseille and Paris.

The plan to close the network providing ADSL and fixed telephony continues to advance at Orange, which has unveiled a new list of municipalities concerned. The latter concerns 7.8 million premises and is subject to consultation until November 30, 2024.

There are 6,884 municipalities and 11 districts of Lyon, Marseille and Paris in this fourth batch, while the previous one affected 2.44 million premises. The project promises to be colossal and the extinction will be done in patches, with a first batch of a hundred municipalities, then 840 in a second phase before moving up a gear with these 2,145 municipalities affected. These are mainly sockets at Orange and SFR.

Distribution of catches by operator

As a reminder, here is the Orange plan announced a few weeks ago, without taking into account the batch 4 project which must still be validated:

  • On lot 1 : 162 municipalities will be affected by the definitive closure of the copper network on January 31, 2025.
  • On the experiment in Very Dense Zone (ZTD): 7 districts of Rennes as well as the commune of Vanves are affected by the commercial closure which took place on March 31, 2024. Which means that no one can market or buy a copper offering anymore. The definitive closure of the network is scheduled for 31 mars 2025.
  • On lot 2 : launched on June 28, 2023, the volume of municipalities is greater with 829 municipalities which will see the copper network definitively stop on January 27, 2026.
  • On lot 3 : launched at the start of 2024, 2,145 municipalities will be affected by the definitive closure of the copper network on January 31, 2027.

This article was reprinted on the Univers FreeBox website


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