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exchange of arms between elected officials in the Carignan-de-Bordeaux municipal council

The city council meeting on Wednesday evening, June 26, lasted only 37 minutes. This would lead us to believe that it was a quick and uneventful formality. Unfortunately, this was not the case!


The municipal council meeting on Wednesday evening, June 26, lasted only 37 minutes. This would lead us to believe that it was a quick and uneventful formality. Unfortunately, this was not the case!

Following a deliberation on the municipality’s human resources during which Frank Monteil, opposition municipal councilor, gave his opinion, Anthony Brouard, deputy mayor in charge of social action, commented by saying “what a clown” towards the chosen one. The latter addressed Mayor Thierry Genetay in these terms, “Mr. Mayor, I would like that in this municipal council we would not insult the opposition. I do not accept the notion of clown, I ask for an apology. »

The councilor admitted not having heard the thoughts of Anthony Brouard, who retorted by explaining “it is not an insult and I will not apologize given your behavior each time there are decisions… “. Frank Monteil added “Mr. Mayor, I consider that to the extent that the opposition is insulted in the municipal council, I am leaving the session. »

In addition to this episode, elected officials voted for a deliberation which established the programming of the town planning convention. Thanks to financial assistance from the departmental council over four years, the objective for the municipality is to connect the administrative, commercial and historical centers together (one vote against).

Elected officials also validated the financing plan for the greenway (Regeon). The municipality requested the allocation of the competition fund from the CdC des Coteaux Bordeaux with a view to participating in the financing of this greenway, to the tune of 43,805 euros. The amount of tranche 1 of the work amounts to 213,483 euros excluding tax. They will be subsidized to the tune of 10,573 euros (DETR, Rural Territories Equipment Grant), 87,312 euros (DSIL, Local Investment Support Grant), 26,198 euros (FEDER, European Regional Development Fund). Municipal self-financing will amount to 45,293 euros (one vote against).


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