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Legislative elections in Isère: in the second constituency, can Cyrielle Chatelain be worried?

In the second constituency of Isère, which includes very urban towns but also others in rural areas, the outgoing MP is called Cyrielle Chatelain. President of the Ecologists group in the National Assembly until its dissolution, she is again a candidate under the banner of the New Popular Front.

A duel with the presidential majority in 2022

During the last election, Cyrielle Chatelain came first in the first round (33.52% of the votes, 28.45% for the presidential majority candidate Jean-Charles Colas-Roy). In the second round, this same duel once again turned to the advantage of the environmentalist (52.13%), who intends to keep her seat as deputy: I hope to have kept my commitment to be present in the territory of the second constituency for two years. A mandate as a deputy makes sense in the Assembly with field work with elected officials, associations, residents, etc. Otherwise something is missing. If I am re-elected, I commit to continuing this presence.”

Five opponents facing

Five opponents are running against Cyrielle Chatelain in this second constituency. On the side of the National Rally (18% of the votes in the first round of the 2022 legislative elections in the constituency), it is Edouard Robert who is candidate. A man joined the RN since 2017 who runs a real estate company: “The National Rally came first in the last European elections, Ms. Chatelain’s party only got 7% ​​in the constituency even if the entire left made a significant score. But Ms. Chatelain’s party is not popular in this constituency. I am counting on the voters to extend these results in these next elections.”

In 2022, the Macronist camp had not gone far from a deputy seat with Jean-Charles Colas-Roy. This time it is Louve Carrière who presents himself under the colors “Together for the Republic” of the majority. She says she is not afraid to defend Macron’s record: “No, not at all. Me what I fear is a global crisis in the country and the re-election of a candidate who puts forward arguments for the weakest households but who nevertheless does not seek her electorate in working-class neighborhoods. I live in Echirolles, I come from these neighborhoods and I have never seen Madame Chatelain.”

The Republicans are also presenting a candidate, in the person of Raphaele de Carvalho. Based in Bresson for more than 20 years, she claims to not come from the political inner circle. She notably managed a small business. She was also a municipal councilor: “I know the problems of our territory well. I am involved above all because I see the rise of extremes. Personally, I do not know what Cyrielle Chatelain has done for the territory. If there is a political group that I no longer want to see on the benches of the Assembly, it is the far left.”

Two other candidates are running in this second constituency of Isère: Chantal Gomez for the Lutte Ouvrière party, already a candidate in 2022. Reconquête, the party of Eric Zemmour, will also be represented with the candidacy of Bruno Lafeuille. At 78 years old, he has already presented himself three times in previous legislative elections. It was under the colors of Nicolas Dupont-Aignan’s Debout La France party.


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