DayFR Euro

Armed with scissors, he tries to rape an employee in a medical center

A 23-year-old young woman, a medical secretary, was violently attacked by a man at the medical center at Corentin-Celton square, in Issy-les-Moulineaux (Hauts-de-Seine), this Tuesday evening. The 32-year-old attacker attempted to rape her and injured her in the throat with his bladed weapon, before being overpowered and arrested by the police, indicates a source close to the case, confirming information fromactuParis.

The suspect showed up at the medical centre, which is open until midnight, shortly after 10pm. He attacked the young employee and grabbed a pair of scissors to threaten her. The man then allegedly forced the victim to undress before attempting to rape her. The young woman started screaming and passers-by then raised the alarm.

When the police arrived, the attacker placed the scissors under the young woman’s throat, threatening to slit her throat while she was naked, according to the same source. One of the police officers used his electric pulse gun (PIE) to subdue the attacker. The latter was placed in police custody at the Issy-les-Moulineaux police station.

Released from prison last year

An investigation into charges of attempted murder and attempted rape has been opened, said the Nanterre public prosecutor’s office. The suspect is already known to the justice services. Convicted several times in the past, he was released from prison last August, specifies a judicial source. In addition, he would be subject to an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF). The victim, in shock, was given five days of total incapacity for work (ITT).


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