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2024 legislative elections in the Gers: very close vote expected in the 1st constituency

the essential
In 2022, RN candidate Jean-Luc Yelma narrowly missed qualifying for the 2nd round. This time, a triangular cannot be excluded with the outgoing deputy Jean-René Cazeneuve and Pascal Levieux (NFP). Focus on the 1st constituency of Gers with its 8 candidates.

“I am delighted that the extremes have not entered Parliament for our department which is a land of tolerance, dialogue and conviviality.” These words, pronounced on the evening of victory in the second round of the Legislative elections, on June 19, 2022, Jean-René Cazeneuve would like to pronounce them again on July 7.

The erosion of power?

But two years later, the outcome of this new national election is more uncertain than ever. In the meantime, the country has experienced two years of volcanic political debates, with a very relative presidential majority in the National Assembly, heckled on its right (National Rally in the lead), on its left (Nupes and “dissident” socialists) and even agitated by internal turmoil on the occasion of the vote on the immigration law. The pension reform gave rise to historic mobilizations, including in Gers with endless processions in the streets of Auch.

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2024 legislative elections in the Gers: Jean-René Cazeneuve (Renaissance) plays the “responsibility” card

During these two years, Deputy Cazeneuve, general budget rapporteur, took the government line, in the hemicycle but also in the markets, in businesses or in the stadiums of the 1st district. He assumes this loyalty to the presidential camp and highlights his “sense of responsibility” in the face of the programs deemed “absolutely delusional from an economic point of view” of these two main adversaries.

United left and confident RN

Candidate of the united left (EELV, NPA, PCF, PS) within the framework of the New Popular Front (NFP), Pascal Levieux unsurprisingly takes issue with the results of “Macronie”. The Lislois is confident about the chances of the NFP and its 3-phase program: “Emmanuel Macron thought he was dividing the left, but it was rather the right that he succeeded in finishing off.” He continues to denounce the “Bardella scam” on a social level, inviting the Gersois to mobilize: “Stand up!”

Read also :
2024 legislative elections in the Gers: Pascal Levieux (NFP) poses as a bulwark against Macron and the RN

On the National Rally side, Jean-Luc Yelma also criticizes Macron’s record on “immigration control”, “defense of purchasing power” and security. The Miélanais bases his speech on the promises announced by Jordan Bardella. He bets on a “very probable triangular between the left, Macronie and RN”. A scenario far from fanciful.

In 2022, the RN regional council came in 3rd position (20.4%), behind Pascal Levieux (Nupes, 25.4%) and Jean-René Cazeneuve (31.5%). If the participation of Gers voters continues the dynamic started during the European elections (“only” 40.5% abstention on June 9), reaching 12.5% ​​of registered voters (threshold to qualify for the second round) seems be in line with the three candidates mentioned.

Read also :
2024 legislative elections in the Gers: for RN candidate Jean-Luc Yelma, “now, it’s our turn”

If this is the case, and Jean-Luc Yelma comes in 3rd position, he will bravely play his luck in the final. But if this place is occupied by Pascal Levieux or Jean-René Cazeneuve, the question will then arise whether or not to continue in the second round. The constitution of a “republican front” instead of a “popular front”.

Jean-René Cazeneuve, Renaissance

Jean-René Cazeneuve.

The outgoing deputy (elected since 2017 for the presidential majority), general rapporteur of the budget to the National Assembly from 2022 to 2024, positions himself in the central bloc, facing that of “the extreme right and a bloc dominated by the leftmost”. Jean-René Cazeneuve judges the two main rival programs “absolutely delusional from an economic point of view, and reprehensible on a certain number of subjects”. He wants to take “initiatives in the coming weeks to bring SMEs” to the Gers.
Substitute : Hélène Coomans.

Pascal Levieux, New Popular Front

Pascal Levieux.

Finalist in the 2022 legislative elections under the colors of Nupes, the Insoumis Pascal Levieux returns under the banner of the New Popular Front. It benefits from the support of LFI, Europe-Ecologie Les Verts (EELV), the New Anticapitalist Party (NPA), the PCF and the Socialist Party. The Lislois is determined to sweep away “7 years of macronism of great social violence” and to collectively block the RN: “There is a political adversary, the deputy Cazeneuve; and an enemy of the Republic, the National Rally.”
Substitute : Ann-Abel Hémery.

Alexis Boudaud Anduaga, Independent Ecologists

Alexis Boudaud Anduaga.

Founder of La Ruche Citoyenne, a list present during the last European elections, Alexis Boudaud Anduaga is taking part in these legislative elections under the label “Rassemblement Les ecologists, Independent ecological movement, Ecqo – young ecologists, the Citizen movement for animal protection and United regions of ‘Europe”. This movement headed by Antoine Waechter wants to put ecology back at the center of the political spectrum, in opposition to the integration of EELV into the new Popular Front.
Substitute : Priscilla Maignaut.

Adrien Aymes, Citizen Change

Citizen Change communicates: “It is time to act! We refuse to suffer the disastrous game between the Popular Front and the RN who risk sharing the hemicycle of the National Assembly. We want neither extremes nor the arrogant macronie Unlike the other parties, we make no promises that we cannot keep, but we will fight with all our strength, for a more democratic France, for the freedom of enterprise, for the preservation of our environment and. to anticipate the consequences of climate change, in short, to improve everyone’s daily life.”
Substitute : Oulyana Caro.

Ludovic Larré, Movement for Animals

Ludovic Larré.

Vice-president of the Chapatoune association, Miélanais Ludovic Larré is part of an alliance between six political groups brought together “for the defense of the climate, nature and the animal cause”. “I do not claim to want to be a deputy but just the ambition to want to defend the department, its wealth and its values ​​and especially its animals which we find on farms and domestic animals,” says the candidate. The Movement for Animals has the particularity of only recruiting grassroots association leaders.
Substitute : Nadine Larré.

Aurore Cazes, Reconquest

Aurore Cazes.

Already a candidate in the 2022 legislative elections in the 1st constituency, Aurore Cazes had collected 4.9% of the votes. A mother of two, she is launching “into this crucial battle for the survival of the country” with a “sense of duty”. Like all the other Reconquête candidates, the Gersoise says she is “more motivated than ever, given the hope that this dissolution arouses” and is campaigning in loyal support of Eric Zemmour, “for the victory of our ideas and against Islamo-leftism”.
Alternate : Odile Mercier.

Jean-Luc Yelma, National Rally

Jean-Luc Yelma.

Also a candidate in 2022 for the National Rally, Jean-Luc Yelma finished in 3rd position (20.4%) behind Pascal Levieux. the RN regional advisor of Miélan wants to take advantage of the dynamic started during the Europeans to secure a place in the final. Purchasing power, security, immigration… Jean-Luc Yelma believes that the people of Gers like the French “are ready to follow the decision they took in the European elections”: “They want concrete things, immediate measures”.
Substitute : Léa Béraut.

Jean-Louis Chareton, Workers’ Struggle

Jean-Louis Chareton.

Jean-Louis Chareton, industrial maintenance technician, had collected 0.59% of the votes in the first round of the 2022 legislative elections. With his running mates from Lutte Ouvrière, they above all present “a program of struggles”, with, in the first battle, the wages. “They must be indexed to inflation. We also want to control the bosses’ income,” announces the LO candidate. But in this campaign, like the other candidates, those from the “workers’ camp” face a major adversary: ​​time.
Alternate : Tristan Lalanne.


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