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Domestic violence against a backdrop of separation near Honfleur: 30 months closed


Julien Lagarde

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 12:02 p.m.

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“I was stupid and I was in love.” This is the only explanation given by the 32-year-old man tried in immediate appearance on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at the Lisieux court (Calvados) for violence against his ex-partner. Facts for which he was a repeat offender following a judgment rendered by the president of the Evreux judicial court (Eure) on August 31, 2018.

Indictment applauded

The hearing took place by videoconference from the Caen-Ifs penitentiary center, where the accused was placed in pre-trial detention. It was marked by loud applause welcoming the prosecutor’s indictment. With a criminal record containing 20 mentions, the defendant was sentenced to 30 months in prison for violence against his ex-partner. He was taken to the penitentiary center after his trial.

Although the couple had decided to separate a fortnight ago, the man was still staying with his ex, in La Rivière Saint-Sauveur, while waiting to return to live at home in Verneuil-sur-Avre. Suffering from facial trauma, a bite to the elbow and bruising to the chest, the young woman will have a two-day ITT.

“Like an object”

On Sunday June 23, she filed a complaint for violence against him. She recounts the events that took place at her home the day before, around 5 p.m. Made aggressive by the prospect of their imminent separation, the man grabbed her by the arms, banged her head on the walls, threw her to the ground then into the bathtub where he doused her with cold water then put pressure on her face with his arm after laying her down on the couch.

“My head hit the doors and walls. He blocked me and shook me in all directions… like an object,” whispers the complainant at the court stand.

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“Given my size…”

“She was completely hysterical. When she came off the hinges, I put her in the bathtub and splashed her with cold water to calm her down.” The defendant will not budge throughout the hearing: he did not hit his partner. “Given my size, she would have had more marks than that if that had been the case,” he said during his custody.

Her denials are undermined by the message he sent her eight days earlier. “If you don’t come back soon, you’re going to have good reasons to file a complaint for domestic violence,” he wrote to her on June 15. “It’s precisely for these reasons that you’re appearing,” the president reminded her.

“Perhaps” gestures “a little abrupt”

Admitting that her client “perhaps” made “somewhat abrupt” gestures to “control” his ex-partner, Me Florence Vallansan looks back on his chaotic journey, tossed from foster families to homes since the age of 9, then his “comings and goings” to remand centers until 2021. “His personality and his criminal record will speak against him,” the lawyer whispers, before pleading for acquittal for the facts of physical violence.

The defendant is sentenced to 30 months in prison with continued detention. He is banned from having contact with his victim and from appearing in Calvados for 3 years. The court pronounces his ineligibility for 3 years. The case is adjourned on civil interest to September 13, 2024 to quantify the amount of damage caused to the plaintiff’s apartment.

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