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Interview. Legislative elections in Alençon-Domfront: four questions for Didier Durandy


Editorial Alençon

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 11:58 a.m.

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Didier Durandy is the candidate of the Rural Movement in the first constituency of Orne (Alençon-Domfront).

Before the first round of legislative elections anticipated, Sunday June 30, 2024the editorial staff of L’Orne Hebdo asked four questions to eight declared candidates.

Didier Durandy: “stop the installation of wind turbines”

Among them, six responded: Didier Durandy (Rural Movement), Manuela Chevalier (Centre-Right), Chantal Jourdan (New Front Populaire), Patricia Chapelotte (Renaissance), David Géniteau (Debout la France) and Daniel Lecomte (Reconquête ). Nadine Belzidsky (National Rally) and Camille Perchet (Lutte Ouvrière) are therefore missing.

Here are the answers from the Rural Movement candidate.

L’Orne Hebdo: If you are elected, what is the first measure you will take to Parliament?

Didier Durandy: Completely stop the installation of new wind turbines, both on land and at sea. Favor nuclear energy which is not intermittent and does not destroy the French landscape, the subsoil, or the animals (birds , fish and breeding) for short-term views.

The beauty of the French landscape is part of our heritage, and it is time to take it into account if we do not want to lose this asset which has been our history and our pride for centuries.

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L’Orne Hebdo: What is the priority for improving the daily lives of people in Orne?

Didier Durandy: Helping the talent of French artisans to develop their work by reducing their social charges, their formalities and their paperwork, with the aim of allowing them to recruit without fear. This will make it possible to reduce the waiting lists of Orne residents, which can last up to several months.

This would allow us to prioritize the renovation of the many farms and barns in our department rather than the construction of unsightly houses, built from cheap materials, and therefore unreliable over time.

L’Orne Hebdo: How would you define the current political climate in France?

Didier Durandy: Listening to the different protagonists, we wonder if the current political climate is not similar to a student meeting where we spend more time criticizing our opponents and demolishing their arguments, than developing our own ideas which, in any case, are just a pile of one-ups that are difficult to achieve given the opposition they will have to face if they are elected.

L’Orne Hebdo: In the hemicycle, will you follow the voting instructions of your parliamentary group or are you ready to vote differently?

Didier Durandy: Yes, as much as I agree with my group, in which I naturally believe.

However, we are a free movement where everyone can and must express themselves freely, and this is precisely what makes us strong since we are committed to the long term.

The first constituency of Orne brings together the three cantons of Alençon, that of Carrouges, Courtomer, Domfront, La Ferté-Macé, Juvigny-sous-Andaine, Le Mêle-sur-Sarthe, Passais and Sées. The first round of the legislative elections will take place on Sunday June 30. The second is scheduled for Sunday July 7.

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