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in Meaux, the candidacy of Amal Bentounsi “restores a taste for politics” – Libération


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Legislative elections 2024dossier

A long-time activist against police violence, the representative of the NFP trend LFI is campaigning in the 6th constituency of Seine-et-Marne with two priorities: purchasing power and the ceasefire in Gaza.

“This is my office,” smiles Amal Bentounsi before ordering a mint tea. We’re in a kebab shop. “I am the candidate of the hess [galère]», repeats the representative of the New Popular Front, LFI tendency, in the 6th constituency of Seine-et-Marne. She has just (re)posted posters in a working-class neighborhood in the south of Meaux, where she has lived for thirty-seven years, and assumes: “This candidacy is the logical continuation of the fight that I have been waging for years for justice, dignity and against discrimination.” And against police violence, since it was the death of her brother Amine, shot in the back by a police officer in 2012, which pushed her into this fight. Since then, Amal Bentounsi has brought together and supported numerous victims and families of victims in their quest for justice and truth. For the first time, she took the plunge: from (political) activism, she moved to (partisan) politics. “Because there is an urgent need to mobilize, to block the extreme right and the macronie”explains the candidate, but also so that “people recognize themselves through my candidacy.”


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