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Diana Blois (Large families) makes a radical decision in her routine following a spicy message from an Internet user

Today at 12:00 – by
Sophie Bongart

Diana Blois regularly shares her diets and sports activities with her subscribers. But since an Internet user sent her a message “that hurts”, the mother is resuming a habit that she had dropped.

Diana Blois, an emblematic participant of Large families: life in XXL, regularly shares his daily life on social networks. Recently, the mother spoke about her health problems. Diana consulted an angiologist to treat the after-effects of phlebitis on her left leg. The diagnosis revealed that nothing could be done to suppress the symptoms. But that’s not all. This June 26, the partner of Gérôme Blois announced on Instagram that she had blocked her back again, a recurring problem for her. “As Chouchou says, it’s old age. At some point, we’ll end up believing it,” she jokes.

A spicy message that disturbs Diana Blois before her departure

Despite her health problems, Diana Blois tries to stay positive. “Obviously, we keep smiling!” declares the mother who is preparing to go on vacation to a region still unknown to her and her “little” family. Unfortunately for his tribe, the weather forecast predicts rain…“We’re going to discover and make short visits. It’s a city that’s quite famous. Even if it rains, we’re going to bring sneakers and umbrellas. We’re going to adapt.” This Wednesday, Diana is more motivated than ever. The reason ? A message from a subscriber “which hurts a little”.

Diana Blois complexed, she takes control of herself

Diana Blois explains this message which she did not really appreciate. “I think it was unwelcome, but it makes me think because it’s a reality,” insists the mother, ready to resume her anti-cellulite routine. “This shit is hell! I took my gel again, the thing to scrub in the shower, the fabric scrub, etc. Here we go again for several weeks of treatment.” So, to boost your morale, there’s nothing better than a shopping trip with your daughters, a new color to camouflage the roots and a session with the beautician before going on vacation. “So many things we love! Obviously, I’ll take you with us for shopping”, she promises.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

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