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The municipality of Frontignan has renewed the “Bourg-Centre” contract with the Occitanie region

The signing between the various partners (City of Frontignan, Agglomeration, Department and Region) took place on Tuesday June 25 in the cultural center construction site.

For once, the official signing did not take place in the main hall of the Frontignan town hall. Symbolically, the renewal of the Bourg-Centre contract, for the period 2022/2028, between the municipality of Frontignan and the Occitanie region took place on the forecourt of the future cultural center, quai Voltaire. A site in which all the partners of this agreement, also signed by the Agglo, are involved.

Pooling the efforts of all partners

“When all partners come together, it helps transform the hearts of citiesunderlined Mayor Michel Arrouy. Indeed, every effort must be made to act on the heart of our cities which are becoming impoverished.”. This contract between the City and the Region thus allows for more effective intervention in the requalification. Over the previous period, this Bourg-Centre project was realized in, in particular, the restructuring of the marina, the development of the central urban boulevard phase 7, the renovation of the skatepark, the design of a cycle path on rue du Maréchal Juin, or even the study of urban transformation of the industrial wasteland of the former Exxon/Mobil site. The pooling of the efforts of the signatories resulted in the assumption of 60% of the costs, the remainder being the responsibility of the City. In addition to the financial side, the City can also count on the operational assistance of the various partners.

It’s renovation, requalification, employment

“On an operation like that of the cultural center, the Department must support structuring projects in this contextcommented for his part Jean-François Soto, the president of the board of directors of Territoire 34, the body of the Department responsible for the future cinema project. On this project and the pedestrianization of the Quai Voltaire, we are injecting €20 million. It’s renovation, requalification but also employment”. “We have just signed the one concerning the two Balarucfor his part, specified François Commeinhes, the president of the agglomeration. This shows that this triangle in the urban area is particularly dynamic when it comes to working for the well-being of its inhabitants.”

Several projects already planned

And to detail the files on which this new convention will intervene in Frontignan: “the multimodal exchange hub, the new section of the central urban boulevard, the new swimming pool, the future of the Lafarge site…”. We can also add the continuation of the construction site of the cultural center and the construction of the footbridge over the canal, the renaturation of the Saint-Paul islet and Place Jean-Jaurès, the thermal renovation of the Terres Blanches school group and the waterproofing of its courtyards, or the creation of the park along the canal at La Peyrade.

450 contracts of this type in the region

“There have been 450 signatures of this type since we created it in the Occitanie regiondeclared Florence Brutus, the vice-president in charge of Planning and territorial cohesion. It is a global contract to support municipalities so that they meet the needs of their residents.s”. Then the vice-president woven a laurel wreath at the town hall of Frontignan for the vision she has of “the evolution of the city by transforming wastelands”. The best example being the “cultural center which will offer a much broader offer and which will be a place of conviviality and exchange”.


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