DayFR Euro

Thiais: Racist attack on bus driver hits legislative campaign

Tuesday June 25, a school bus driver in Thiais was the victim of death threats and racist insults by a motorist who refused to leave a space reserved for school buses in front of the Romain Garry nursery school, before deliberately hitting the driver’s legs. The aggression made the candidates react.

It was around 8:30 a.m. this Tuesday when a school bus driver asked a motorist to leave a space reserved for school buses, reports France Info on June 26. Refusing to leave, the motorist uttered death threats and racist insults against the bus driver: “I’m sick of people like you, blacks and blacks, I’m voting RN, I’m going to kill you, I’m going to massacre you, I’m going to eradicate you“, before deliberately hitting the bus driver in the legs.

An investigation for “repeated death threat, committed because of race, ethnicity, nation or religion” et “violence aggravated by two circumstances followed by incapacity not exceeding 8 days” was opened. The driver who fled has not yet been identified.

In the middle of the electoral campaign and while the latest polls suggest an absolute majority for the RN, this racist attack aroused emotion and numerous reactions of indignation and support from many personalities, starting with the candidates of the constituency.

“I give all my support to this bus driver who was shamefully insulted today,” reacted Vincent Jeanbrun, LR candidate in the constituency.

“This is the world that awaits us if the RN is in power, alert for her part Rachel Kéké, outgoing MP, candidate of the New Popular Front. All my support & my best wishes for recovery to the driver who was the victim of this terrible racist attack. Faced with an increasingly uninhibited and dangerous far-right, we must stand up, in the streets and at the ballot box.”

For his part, the RN candidate Claude Ledion, “regrets that the political context in which we find ourselves today encourages some of our fellow citizens to show unacceptable violence towards their neighbors” but consider“that such behavior cannot have a partisan color and that it is inconceivable that a patriot who actively supports our movement or claims to be part of it, could attack a worker who fulfills a public service mission on a daily basis .”


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