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At the EBA: changes in continuity

Sébastien Soulié takes the floor again to announce the upcoming changes: co-presidents Céline Holzer and Jean Yves Mouret; secretary Myriam Lacoste and treasurer: Fanny Denet. “We confirm the departures of Serge, Sylvie, Yo and myself. Frédo is stopping his coaching activity just like Papou and we are welcoming Bruno Almendro. Bruno is known for his coaching past and what’s more, he is from Andrest. I’m glad he’s joining the club. I wish you all the best for the future.” Sébastien continued very moved by thanking all the people who make this club function like a family. He finished like this: “It’s complicated to leave a family where you spent so many years. Send yourself so that we can be proud of you.”

A word to those entering

Jean Yves Mouret, the co-president, thanked the two Sébastiens (Ferrero and Soulié) for having been able to restore color to the EBA. “This club works very well with, in addition, parity. I took the step of becoming president without forcing myself too much as the colors red and blue are anchored in me and have been for a very long time! I will continue what already exists. I am counting on each and every one of you, town halls, volunteers, players, coaches, Escamats (veterans), etc. If volunteers want to join us, they will be welcomed with wide open arms. I am delighted with the beautiful school. of rugby EAE/URFA, bravo for the integration of the girls See you in spring 2025 to sing the victories. The image of the club is the field, if there are results, the support is there. count on you.”

The coach, Bruno Almendro, will say how much he knows the difficulties of the players and staff. He will immerse himself in this new family and will not change anything that works well. “I know Patrice well, I even trained him. Sometimes the evolution of family life, work means that we all have ups and downs. We have to make the players want to come and train, the training must remain a pleasure, then the results will arrive and thus we will build a good season.”

The general assembly continued with the presentation of gifts to those leaving. then with a glass of friendship taken outside and in moderation of course.


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