DayFR Euro

Belgium. “Seum”, “tasteless”, “0 chance”, the Belgian press review before the Blues

How we meet again… Six years after the semi-final of the 2018 World Cup, Belgium and France will meet in the round of 16 of Euro 2024 this Monday 1is July (6 p.m.) in Düsseldorf.

A poster that really does not please the Belgian press, on the one hand because Samuel Umtiti’s winning goal left its mark and on the other hand because Domenico Tedesco’s selection delivered “an insipid performance” against Ukraine (0-0) and did not take advantage of the Slovak misstep against Romania (1-1) to recover first place in group E and therefore avoid the Blues of Didier Deschamps.

« Belgium threw itself alone, like a grown-up, into the arms of France. title bitterly The evening . « Qualification is acquired but the terrible bronca of the Belgian public did not lie,” continues the daily life. Indeed, the Red Devils were heavily whistled after the match against the Ukrainians. If Domenico Tedesco was surprised by the whistles and was very nervous after the match by getting annoyed with a cameraman, the former Belgian international (41 caps between 1987 and 1997) Philippe Albert was in the spirit of the supporters at the microphone of the RTBF . “There is reason to be irritated. The Devils do not seem to realize the discontent of their supporters. Perhaps they should be reminded that these people took days off, traveling at night to cheer on the Devils. Yes, the qualifier is there, but it’s crazy to be satisfied with qualifying in such a weak group. I’m even amazed that some players don’t realize that it’s not enough at the moment. »

“Zero chance of winning the Euro”

A break that is astonishing to say the least between the players and their supporters while the Blues are firmly awaiting the Belgians whom they beat in the semi-final of the Nations League in October 2021. On the side of the DH, even if we are talking about a “panache forgotten in the locker room” with “four ghosts in front and the others behind. Tedesco was not against a personal offensive exploit but Trossard, Lukaku, Doku and De Bruyne were not in the mood.we prefer to smile at this reunion: “The blue jersey was therefore perhaps not just a tribute to Tintin. It was the code for a secret mission to find the Blues as quickly as possible in this Euro.”

Now in the most explosive part of the table of this Euro 2024, the channel’s experts RTL News are rather worried about Belgium at the idea of ​​facing the France team. “Honestly, objectively, we have 0 chance of winning the Euroadmitted journalist Marc Delire. We don’t know what we can do, we haven’t shown anything yet, if everyone performs 1000%, I don’t know how far we can go. » A sentiment echoed by Silvio Proto, the former goalkeeper of the Red Devils (13 selections): “We are going to have to play above our level. We’re going to have to come out with some very big matches and have a bit of luck.” while for former Lille player Kevin Mirallas, Belgium “I’m already lucky to be qualified based on what we saw in these three matches. »

For his part, Jonathan Legear, former player of RSC Anderlecht, tried to maintain his optimism on the airwaves of LN 24 even if the step seems high for the Red Devils among which “only two or three Belgians could play for France. »

SEE ALSO. VIDEO. Euro 2024 – Belgium: “Against France, a big match!”, announces Carrasco

Everything will therefore be decided this Monday, June 27 in this round of 16 opposing “two nations totally disappointed by the level offered by their team in this Euro 2024” for the DH who wishes “May the best win in this meeting and let’s remove the word “from our vocabulary forever.”SEUM”».


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