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Interview. Legislative elections in Alençon-Domfront: four questions for Manuela Chevalier


Editorial Alençon

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 10:28 a.m.

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Manuela Chevalier is the “right and center” candidate in the first constituency of Orne (Alençon-Domfront).

Before the first round of legislative elections anticipated, Sunday June 30, 2024the editorial staff of L’Orne Hebdo asked four questions to eight declared candidates.

Manuela Chevalier: “the first sensitive subject is health”

Among them, six responded: Manuela Chevalier (Centre-Right), Chantal Jourdan (New Popular Front), Patricia Chapelotte (Renaissance), David Géniteau (Debout la France), Didier Durandy (Rural Movement) and Daniel Lecomte (Reconquête ). Nadine Belzidsky (National Rally) and Camille Perchet (Lutte Ouvrière) are therefore missing.

Here are the answers from the Center-Right candidate.

L’Orne Hebdo: If you are elected, what is the first measure you will take to Parliament?

Manuela Chevalier : The first sensitive subject that comes to mind is health. How many people find themselves today in our rural areas without a doctor? It takes months and months to get an appointment with a specialist. Access to care has become the priority subject.

The cities, the Department and the Region have already done a lot: opening of territorial health centers thanks to the hard work of the department making it possible to have salaried doctors, opening of health centers with the installation of a few specialists and construction of the new hospital of Alençon. But that is not enough.

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I will therefore support the work undertaken to regulate the installation of doctors and promote innovative solutions like those put in place by the Department of Orne.

L’Orne Hebdo: What is the priority for improving the daily lives of people in Orne?

Manuela Chevalier : Along with health, another priority for the people of Ornais would be the maintenance of local services.

There are already around twenty France Service spaces in Orne bringing together public services with a physical reception, but these still remain distant for certain populations living in small isolated villages and not having the possibility of getting there. give back.

Maintaining public services and maintaining small businesses are essential to make our areas attractive again and allow new young families to come and settle in Orne.

L’Orne Hebdo: How would you define the current political climate in France?

Manuela Chevalier : Confused and anxious! The French are lost and angry with the entire current political system. They no longer have confidence. All of this obviously benefits the extremes, whether they are on the right or the left.

Furthermore, I am firmly opposed to the Parisian “parachuting”. It is a total contempt for the Ornaises who inhabit the territory.

Finally, I think that some of the populist proposals are financially unfeasible and that others would jeopardize the cohesion of our society.

L’Orne Hebdo: In the hemicycle, will you follow the voting instructions of your parliamentary group or are you ready to vote differently?

Manuela Chevalier : If I do not agree with the group that I will join according to my convictions and my values, I will not vote for the measure. Of course, by arguing, by making myself heard and you can believe me, I have a voice!

The first constituency of Orne brings together the three cantons of Alençon, that of Carrouges, Courtomer, Domfront, La Ferté-Macé, Juvigny-sous-Andaine, Le Mêle-sur-Sarthe, Passais and Sées. The first round of the legislative elections will take place on Sunday June 30. The second is scheduled for Sunday July 7.

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