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ULiège administrator wants to resume her post after a ruling by the Council of State

She contested this decision, described as “completely unfounded”. She felt she was being targeted by “a distinct cabal” against her.

Anne Girin had lodged an extremely urgent appeal with the Council of State, which ruled in favor of her by suspending the decision of the ULiège CA.

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The High Court “considered on the one hand that Ms. Girin suffered serious harm due to the publicity given to her fate by the university and, on the other hand, that the evaluation procedure could be questionable because it was not was not based on the evaluation criteria provided for by law”, explained to Belga Me Eric Lemmens, one of Ms. Girin’s lawyers. The Council of State also judged, according to Me Lemmens, that “to criticize (the general administrator) for not having achieved all of her objectives after two years out of a four-term mandate meant having to prove that she could not do so in the following two years.

Anne Girin’s lawyers indicate that she “intends to return to her duties as administrator of ULiège without delay and hopes that her mandate can continue peacefully.”

In a brief reaction, ULiège declares having “taken note of the extreme emergency suspension ruling (…) pending the examination of the merits”. The university says its board of trustees will “review the situation” at its July 3 meeting.


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