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Niortais Chamois caught by the patrol

The threat loomed, silently, and it has just fallen rather implacably on the heads of the Chamois Niortais, demoted to National 2. Dashing thirds in the last National championship, failing by a small margin in their quest for Ligue 2, However, the Niort players had embarked on their summer full of doubt after a season where extra-sporting had already taken center stage, notably these lighting problems at René-Gaillard and the dilapidated facilities.

The more global reason is mainly to be found in the desire to sell expressed by Mikaël Hanouna a few hours after the last match in Avranches, when taking stock of this “after season” in the wake of this sporting relegation in the summer of 2023. A desire that is still relevant but which has not led, for the moment, to a favorable or even concrete outcome.

A call to come

And these ongoing discussions have, by ricochet, greatly complicated the task of the Chamois Niortais during their appearance before the DNCG this Wednesday, June 26, where they presented themselves with an incomplete file after having postponed, as the procedure allows, their hearing for the first time. “In the context of a transfer, it is the buyer’s budget that must be presented,” explained Mikaël Hanouna this Tuesday, June 25, a few hours before the club’s hearing.

Expecting a demotion, now effective after the sanction pronounced by the French football police, the leader of the Chamois had announced his intention to appeal (the deadline is seven days to do so), just to allow the possible buyer to present, this time, a much more worked budget and file.

As such, therefore, the sanction does not fundamentally change things as they stand, except that it confirms the extreme fragility in which the club finds itself, virtually a resident of National 2 while awaiting the course of events.

Scheduled for July 3, that is to say very quickly, the resumption of training seems to be the only oasis in the middle of the current desert, even if the wave of departures (Renel, Benchamma and soon Delecroix?) and end of contract does not bode well, especially without recruits to date, for Philippe Hinschberger and his troops. “I remain confident about the finality and the next season of the Chamois in National”said Mikaël Hanouna, determined to do the “necessary to pass on this beautiful club and allow it to continue to exist as long as possible” before reiterating his confidence after the DNCG decision. The near future will provide the answer to this desire.


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