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A cultural event to highlight the links between image and music

The fourth edition of the Sœurs Jumelles festival is being held from June 25 to 30, in Rochefort, a legendary city of cinema. On the program: conferences, screenings, concerts and even artistic meetings, to highlight what unites image and music.

It’s a festival that couldn’t have happened anywhere else. The Soeurs Jumelles festival, in reference to Les Demoiselles de Rochefort, the film by Jacques Demy released in 1967, is launching its fourth edition this month. The main idea of ​​this festival is that music and image come together for five days, “like twin sisters”explains Julie Gayet, actress, director, but above all founder and president of the festival.

“For musicians, image is also important and vice versa. So, here, creators come to talk, musicians talk about images and directors talk about music.”, she enthuses. To do this, and to provide an understanding of the interconnections between the two artistic sisters, artists and professionals from the sector are expected.

CARTE. Rochefort (17) – Place Colbert

Au programme : projections, artistic performances, debates, round tables, and of course concerts. For this 4th edition, artists such as Mc Solaar, on June 27, Olivia Ruiz, on June 28, or Etienne Daho, on June 29, are expected. And this year, for the first time, concerts are also organized in the Saint-Louis church in Rochefort.

Several film screenings are offered at the twin sisters festival with the presence of the teams.

© France Télévisions

Among the screenings with the presence of film crews and musical compositions, we can notably remember The Hennedricks family with Dany Boon, broadcast Thursday June 27 at 8 p.m., or even the documentary Jacques Demi, the pink and the black, broadcast Thursday, June 27 at 5:30 p.m.

  • The detailed program can be found here:
  • Prices for events can be found here on the official website. Certain moments of the festival are accessible to all because they are free. While for certain concerts the price can go up to €45.

MAP of the Twin Sisters festivities – Rochefort

The twin sisters festival takes place in Rochefort, until June 30, 2024.

© Twin Sisters Festival


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