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In Lyon, a demonstration to stop the “sabotage of child protection”

Lyon will host, on June 27 and 28, the Child Protection Conference. At the same time, several unions (CGT, Solidaires, etc.) and collectives (Jamais sans Toit, Solidarité entre femmes à la rue, etc.) organized a rally against “this communication plan”, in their words.

They are protesting against the entry price of 450 euros to attend the Conference and are indignant that professionals in the sector who have been mobilizing “for many years” are not involved.

The day of mobilization will begin with a rally at 10 a.m. in front of the Palais des Congrès, followed by a protest picnic as well as a speech at lunchtime. A demonstration will leave at 1:30 p.m., to the Rhône prefecture (Lyon 3rd) to arrive at Place Guichard (Lyon 3rd) at 4:30 p.m.

Demonstration: the breakthrough of the far right worries child protection professionals

“For 20 years, the reception conditions for children and adolescents taken care of in the
framework of child protection is massively deteriorating due to the chosen disengagement of
the State, in the educational, medical and social fields,” the organizations write.

They also point out the risk of seeing the far right come to power during the next legislative elections on June 30 and July 7, which could endanger the child protection sector, according to them. Especially since this sector is in charge of unaccompanied foreign minors.

“A reactionary policy of exclusion, discrimination and the breakdown of all public services is to be feared, as is a reduction in salaries, support and resources for all educational, social and healthcare sectors” , worry those involved in child protection.

Given that these “failures” have a significant impact on the health, social life, school life, integration and support of children, organizations impose requirements.

“The cessation of the dismantling of social action and child protection”, “The care by child protection of unaccompanied minors (Unaccompanied Minors) in appeal until a final decision by the courts as for their minority”, “The human resources necessary to guarantee both the maintenance and development of a quality system,” and many other measures, which will be outlined during the gathering on Thursday, June 27.


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