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Ukraine, Zelensky's violent methods to send men to war

For months and months I have seen these violent videos, of arbitrary arrests and Ukrainian men forcibly thrown onto buses, into 4x4s to be taken by force to the war in the trenches.

If it is fashionable to say that the Ukrainians are fighting as one man behind their president to drive the Russians out of Ukraine, the truth and reality are much more nuanced, and it is pleasant to see BFM discuss this subject so far relegated to “conspiracy” or worse “pro-Russian” sites.

With 500,000 dead in the trenches since the start of the war, with a war of abject violence, the Ukrainians enlisted know very well what awaits them. Going to war is almost certainly a death sentence.

Patriotism, including in Ukraine, has limits… those of the survival instinct.

Finally, Zelensky's popularity is not as high as we are told here in Western Europe.

You should listen to what BFM says, which has suddenly become an undoubtedly “pro-Russian” media relaying “Putin” propaganda.

Here's what they write. “Faced with the Russian army, Volodymyr Zelensky and the Ukrainian forces intend to mobilize 160,000 men. But many Ukrainians do not want to fight. For two and a half years, they have lived in hiding, in fear of being sent by force to the front.”

And yes.

The Ukrainians do not want to fight.

The Ukrainians do not want to die for a trench which is as stupid today and there as yesterday in our trenches in Verdun.

So to all those who talk about the war as if nothing had happened, gaining a little height is the minimum… the bare minimum.

Talking about peace is a requirement. Talking about peace is normal. Wanting more war, more deaths and maintaining this deadly cycle is absolute evil.

Those who think that stopping Putin is the goal instead of stopping the war are sorely mistaken and completely lacking in grandeur and historical vision.

Charles SANNAT

“Insolentiae” means “impertinence” in Latin
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“By wanting to stifle peaceful revolutions, we make violent revolutions inevitable” (JFK)

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