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the RN 27 soon to be equipped with electric roads?

By 2026-2027, the EroadMontBlanc project, aimed at developing roads capable of recharging electric trucks, should see the light of day on the RN25, near Chamonix.

By 2026-2027, trucks heading to Chamonix should be able to obtain electricity directly from the road. This is what the EroadMontBlanc project plans, developed by the Autoroutes et Tunnels du Mont-Blanc (ATMB), Gustave Eiffel University, Alstom, Pronergy and Greenmot.

The goal is to allow electric trucks to travel great distances without needing to charge their vehicles. To do this, the teams will create electrified roads by ground conduction, as is already done for certain public transport.

According to 3, the highways will then be equipped with electrical power supply tracks inserted into the roadway, while an articulated arm would be attached to the trucks in order to recharge them. Currently in the laboratory, the project will soon be tested on the Transpolis platform in Ain, before being installed on the RN25 near Chamonix if the results allow.

A costly project for drivers

Although this project should make it easier for drivers to obtain electricity, the usage costs are not lower. In order to benefit from the system, trucks will have to be equipped with their own articulated arm, costing nearly 10,000 euros.

The final objective would be to equip as many French highways as possible, a project financed as part of France 2030 and by the European Union.

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