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URBX Festival 2024: Urban art celebrated in Roubaix

On June 23, the URBX festival of urban cultures came to an end, leaving behind a spectacular transformation of Roubaix into an open-air gallery. Monumental works of street art, created by world-renowned artists, now adorn our city, thus enriching its artistic identity.

This year again, four internationally renowned artists are leaving their mark on the city to the delight of urban art lovers and enthusiasts.

The opportunity to stroll through Roubaix to (re)discover its heritage, its riches as well as its already existing frescoes.

Street Art shines in Roubaix thanks to the URBX festival

Roubaix is ​​transformed into an open-air gallery during the URBX urban cultures festival. Three monumental works of street art, created by internationally renowned artists, beautify our city and strengthen its artistic identity.

Vinie: Femininity in colors

Originally from Toulouse, Vinie Graffiti, known simply as Vinie, is famous for his vibrant and colorful works. Her creations combine feminine elements and urban motifs, highlighting strong female characters with exuberant hairstyles and striking facial expressions. Its unique style, instantly recognizable, brings a touch of softness and vitality to the streets of Roubaix. To follow his work, visit his official site or its social networks (Instagram et Facebook).

The Atlas: calligraphy and urban geometry

L’Atlas, whose real name is Jules Dedet Granel, is an emblematic figure of contemporary street art. Born in 1978, this Parisian artist combines calligraphy, geometry and urban art to create works that are both complex and harmonious. His compositions, the result of an in-depth exploration of lines and symmetries, reflect his studies of global calligraphic traditions. Roubaix has the honor of hosting one of his works, symbolizing the interconnection between urban culture and traditional aesthetics. Find out more about his site and his accounts Instagram et Facebook.

Kenia Almaraz Murillo & Elliott Causse: fusion of nature and technology

The artistic duo formed by Kenia Almaraz Murillo and Elliott Causse brings an innovative and multidisciplinary dimension to street art. Kenia, a Bolivian artist, draws inspiration from the cultural traditions and landscapes of her native country, while Elliott, a French artist, integrates modern technologies such as 3D printing and augmented reality. Their joint work in Roubaix is ​​a fascinating exploration of the interactions between nature, technology and human perception. To learn more, visit them site.

A Festival that redesigns Roubaix

The URBX festival of urban cultures does not just bring ephemeral works of art, it redesigns and reinvents the public spaces of Roubaix. By welcoming artists of this caliber, our city is establishing itself as a true epicenter of street art, offering its residents and visitors a unique visual and cultural experience.

Roubaix, more than ever, is a living canvas where each street tells a story, where each wall becomes a work of art. Come discover, admire and celebrate street art with us!

Roubaix Station is transformed into an urban art museum!

For the third year in a row, the Dep’Art Urbain project has transformed the Roubaix station car park into an open-air museum. During the June 20 edition, renowned artists brought their talents to beautify this place.

The artists of this edition include: RNST (Natural Concrete), Antoine Stevens (Inès Duality), Sébastien Bouchard (Mademoiselle Suzanne Malard), Kamo-Artwork (Pink Panther Strikes Again), Jérôme Mesnager, EZK STREET ART (Marianne), Nasty ( The Art of Nasty), Mister P (Philodendron Gloriosum), and Zabou (Portrait of Marthe).

Organized as part of the URBX Festival, this event attracted around a hundred people, reinforcing Roubaix as a mecca for contemporary urban art. This project is supported by the City of Roubaix, SEM Ville renewee, the Cultures Urbaines association and URBX Festival.


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