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Epinal, the 4th Territorial University Deployment Plan has been initiated | Factuel

Stéphane LEYMARIE, Vice-President of Territorial Strategy and Institutional Life of the University and Michel HEINRICH, President of the Epinal Urban Community formalized the construction of the Epinal Territorial University Deployment Plan (SDUT) this Thursday 20 June. Received by Mr Laurent BLERON, Director of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Technologies et Industries du Bois (ENSTIB) and Patrick NARDIN, Mayor of Epinal, around fifty stakeholders and partners from the region gathered to discuss the diagnosis of this 4th SDUT offered by the university.


As a reminder, the territorial strategy is broken down and adapted for each territory in which the university is located, in the form of a Territorial University Deployment Plan (SDUT) which makes it possible to set common objectives and share the resulting actions. in terms of orientation, training (in the broad sense), research, innovation, university life and/or links between science and society.


The definition of coherent and correctly sized SDUTs involves sharing as complete and objective a look as possible on what characterizes the territory and its potential.
For this, the university works in collaboration with the Regional Observatory for Employment and Training (OREF Grand-Est). The objective being to highlight certain characteristics through a comparison between territorial data and regional data.

Access to Higher Education

Over the past 50 years, the number of under-30s has increased from 188,296 to 114,300 in the Vosges while it has remained stable at the national level. We observe a lower schooling rate than in the Region with a gap of -15 points (30% Epinal against 45% Grand Est), as well as a gap of -7 points concerning the highest diploma obtained by 15-30 year olds. who are no longer in school.

However, nine high schools are located in the area. In 2023, out of approximately 2,500 baccalaureate holders, there will be 1,307 new baccalaureate holders on the general track (53%), 557 on the technological track (12%) and 866 on the professional track (35%). Higher education is also well and truly present in the Epinal territory with 3 licenses, 4 professional licenses, 3 BUT, 51 BTS, 1 BMA, 1 CPGE, 3 IFSI and several laboratories, spread over various sites:

Whether in initial training or in apprenticeship, there is a wide choice of training available to students. Other possibilities for young people: 58 training courses to follow in person or remotely with the CNAM.

In this territory, however, we observe obstacles to access to higher education due to a lack of knowledge of the professions, the training offer or even the self-censorship of young people due to financial or family problems. The initiatives that will emerge from the work of this SDUT aim to limit these prejudices.

Attractiveness and economic development

According to a distribution of employing establishments according to sector of activity (INSEE), Spinal establishments are relatively more agricultural (+1% compared to the same distribution of establishments throughout the Grand Est) and more industrial (+ 5% compared to the GE).

Indeed, the food, industry and construction branches have a significant weight in the SDUT of Epinal territory while potential imbalances could form concerning the teaching professions; administration, accounting and finance; commerce (executive level); computer engineering or even industrial engineering, with too few young people to meet the needs.

But according to forecasts for 2030 (France Stratégie, DARES) the analysis as a percentage of current employment makes it possible to highlight the most dynamic professions, those which will create the most positions in relation to current employment. There are very qualified professions there: engineers, legal and communication professionals and doctors.

Social and environmental responsibility

This theme brings together three categories: Technical and Industrial Scientific Culture (CSTI), student life and Ecological Transition/Equality-Diversity-Inclusion.

Among the actions of CSTI carried out between 2018 and 2022 on the Spinal territory, 19 workshops and 17 exhibitions were recorded, as well as conferences (The evolution of landscapesLamarche) and screening-debates (You will feed the world, Mirecourt). Actions initiated by components and associations also take place all year round, such as Montgolfiades at ENSTIB, the final of Negotiable at the IUT or even theSummer school at the CEJE.

As for university life, it is an essential complement to training policy but also a factor in the attractiveness and development of the territory. According to the study Student life carried out by the Delegation for Management Assistance and Quality (DAPEQ) and supported by the project Education and Territories :

  • 84% of UL students attending EPCI Epinal reside there
  • 37% eat their meals at the University Restaurant every day
  • 36% live with their parents (219 rooms in university residences or shared accommodation available in the area)
  • 24% consider their physical health “very good”
  • 71% practice physical and sporting activity
  • 38% practice an artistic and cultural activity
  • 24% are members of a student association
  • 18% have financial difficulties meeting needs
  • 60% plan to stay working in the department

The themes of Ecological Transition and Equality Diversity Inclusion are also a strategic lever for thinking about and organizing the transformations necessary for transitions in the university. Recently, the Spinal region has focused more particularly on raising awareness of gender equality through various animations.


The second phase of the SDUT of Epinal will be implemented on Friday September 20 during group work by theme in order to identify projects that could be born or brought to fruition.


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